Day in the Life

Dec 31, 1855

Journal Entry

December 31, 1855 ~ Monday

31st Dec This is the Last day of 1855 we spent the day in
the Legislative Assembly. Thus time rapidly flies with us
evry year grows big with Events both with Mount Zion & great
Babylon. while the past year has been an Eventful one
In taking the gospel in a measure from the gentiles & carriying it to
the Jews even the Lamanites who are begining to come to understanding
& while Zion is spreading herself & enlarging her borders
in strength. Great Babylon is visited at the same time
with wars & Bloodsheds pestilence & famine which is
ownly a fore runner of what is to come to pass

What the future Year will bring to pass, time must deter
mine, but it will lay many low in death. Judgments
will continue to increase upon the gentile Nations & great
calamity awate the wicked. May the Lord Preserve me from
evil sin & transgression may he enable me to keep the word
of wisdom
& be preserved in life & health with my wives
& children

[several lines blank]

I looked over my Journal & found the following synop-
sis as recorded on the following Page to be my labours during
the past year

A synopsis of my labours in 1855

I Traveld 1505 Miles 1505 Miles
I Attended 80 Meetings 80 Meetings
I Preached 31 Discourses 31 sermons
I Attended 10 General & Quarterly C. 10 Conferences
I Attended Prayer circles with the Presidency & 12 35 meetings
I Assisted in ordaining John Smith first 1 Patraiarch
I ordained 6 High Priests 6 High Priest
I ordained 16 Seventies 16 Seventies
I ordained 6 High Council 6 H. C.
I Blessed 58 Missionaries to the Lamanites 58 Missionaries
I Administered to 15 sick persons 15 sick
I met with the Legislature 40 days 40 days
I was Appointed President of the Universal scientific Society &and met with them 25 times
I was Appointed President of the Horticultural Society and met with them 6 times. 6 Times
I Attended A Grammer school 37 evenings
I reported 25 sermons 25 sermons
I wrote 44 Letters 44 Letters
I Recieved 17 Letters 17 Letters


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Smith, John, b. 1832
22 Sep 1832 - 6 Nov 1911


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Let us seek to lay aside our sins & call upon the Lord untill we do enjoy the Holy spirit continually.
~ Wilford Woodruff
let us fully realize that we should not go to sleep & be careless & indiferent towards the events which we are called to pass through we should overcome the world the flesh & the Devil, & trust in God for evry blessing their is neither Male nor female that finally overcome & receive a Celestial Glory no matter how great the sacrifice may be in order to obtain it but what will be satisfyed with the reward & would not wish to obtain it ^on^ any easier term
~ Wilford Woodruff
while Zion is spreading herself & enlarging her borders in strength. Great Babylon is visited at the same time with wars & Bloodsheds pestilence & famine which is ownly a fore runner of what is to come to pass
~ Wilford Woodruff

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Business/Financial - List of Supplies Account Book, 1850-1855
forwarded on the above Accnt in a draft of B Young to J M Bernhisel $350 00 paid cash 1202 00 paid 1552 00
Letter from Wilford Woodruff Jr., 31 December 1855
G S L City Dear Father As I have been prevented from writting to you by the soreness of my eyes Improve the first operunity of answering your kind leters I have ruined a number of very good letters in wich you have given me verry good council I think much of it and I hope I shall practice it my eyes have been verry sore but they are geting better and Mother says I ought not to study much untill my eyes get well I read write cypher spell and study geography and gramar Mrs kimball sends her respects to you I hope I am progressing in all of my studies Mother has comenced an evening school of two and half hours each evening wich wee devot to cipphering. Brother Smoot said he heard that the Snow was tow feet deep in rush valey we have not heard from the cattle since yo left. neather has Brother Kelsey sent the sadle home but he has been once an I asked him about it and he said he would send it the first oporportunity. the weather is very cold at presant there is more snow than last winter I am glad to hear that you have a share in the heard ing ground of rush valley This is the first leter I ever wrote and I hope you will excuse all mistakes From your dutiful son Wilford Woodruff Jr
Political/Government - Minutes of the Legislative Council of Utah Territory, 1854-1856
{shorthand} H C Kimball {shorthand} the 15 chapter 9 St John {shorthand} five {shorthand} [Business] {shorthand} {shorthand} Authorizing {shorthand} {shorthand} discussed at {shorthand} H C Kimball {shorthand} {shorthand} {shorthand} Celestial Kingdom of God {shorthand} women & children & {shorthand}


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Wilford serves on Board of Directors of Deseret Agriculture and Manufacturing Society.

Dec 31, 1855