Saturday there was a mass Meeting of the people
according to the madjournment at Fillmore who met to day at the Tabernacle
for the purpose of taking into consideration the propriety of esstablishing
a daily express & passenger communication betwen the western states
& Calafornia or more extendedly between Europe & China. The meeting
was organized by chusing Gov Young President.
Chief Justice J F Kinny Presidents H C Kimball J. M. Grant, Hon
A W Babbitt, J P Stiles D. H. Burr D. H. Wells G Hurt Wm Bell
W. Gerrish & Hon P. P. Pratt were chosen vise presidents
& W. Woodruff O. Pratt & Wm H Hooper secretaries G. D. Watt reporter
The Governor stated the object of the meeting
and made a few remarks after which A. W. Babbitt delived an
address & was followed By Judge Stiles, Dr Hurt T. S. Williams
J. C. Little E Reese O P Rockwell S. M. Blair & W. H. Hooper
Mr Thomas Bullock read several resolutions upon which the
Governor offered some suggestions. whare upon a committee was
appointed to draft resolutions to be presented at the next meeting
Adjourned to meet at the same place on Saturday Feb 2nd at 1 P.M.
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