Day in the Life

Sep 30, 1856

Journal Entry

September 30, 1856 ~ Tuesday

30th [FIGURES 1] A hand pointing to the right A folded letter/box The Calafornia Mail came in & brought me 1 Letter
from C. C. Rich. I wrote Letters to the Mormon, the Standard,
the Lumanary, to Hon's J. M. Bernhisel & G. A. Smith to O. pratt to
C C Rich Total 7 Letters & spent a part of the day in the fair


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal.

Rich, Charles Coulson
21 Aug 1809 - 17 Nov 1883
351 mentions
Smith, George Albert
26 Jun 1817 - 1 Sep 1875
1422 mentions
Apostle, Missionary
Bernhisel, John Milton
23 Jun 1799 - 28 Sep 1881
Pratt, Orson
19 Sep 1811 - 3 Oct 1881
1082 mentions

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Letter to George Albert Smith, 30 September 1856

G. S. L. City Hon. G. A. Smith, Dear Sir, At a late hour in the night I seat myself to write a few lines to you as the mail goes out on the morrow, it is universal peace, health and prosperity throughout this country as far as I know. We are having a very favorable fall to do all kinds of work, except to sow wheat, it still continues dry, wells are failing. some think the cutting of the timber on the mountain heights is partially the cause. Our early Frosts have injured the late corn, wheat has come in quite well considering that we have had no rain or water. The people are selling their wheat as usual for $1.00 & $1.50 Flour $2.50 & $3.00 & $400 per cwt. notwithstanding we have just passed through a famine, these things ought not to be, for I think the people will want bread before another harvest. Some brethren have returned from Carson valley, they do not like the country very well, besides they have to fight their way measur- ably among the Gentiles. I received a letter from Gen. Rich from San Bernardino by the mail to day, they are all well there as far as I can learn. The vigilance committee in San Francisco have dis- banded, having hung all the wicked, and driven the guilty off. Elder N. V. Jones has just come in from the lead mines reports all right in that quarter. We have moved into our new office and find it much more convenient and very comfortable and refined, we have got the History as far as the organization of the church with Prest. Young and the Twelve at its head. One of the most interesting events of the kind in this church and kingdom was the arrival of two companies of the

Letter to John Milton Bernhisel, 30 September 1856

Hon. J. M. Bernhisel, Dear Sir, I write to say that your wagon and three yoke of oxen and goods all came safe. I think Bro Millett has taken great pains to do well and get the cattle through. He and his wife have walked all the way, nearly. One of the oxen was sickly: They were delivered to Brothers Richards and Cain, and I suppose they have been put upon the range. The wagon is in my yard, sound and whole. Bro. Millet had to obtain some things in order to get along, to the amount of $6 or $8; the flour that was given him was adulterated with some mineral. He had to leave in storage at Florence, the following articles, as he had too much load: 1 Parlor Stove. 1 Box Glass 5 Sheets of Iron. 1 Keg Linseed Oil. 1 Keg White Lead, 50 lbs 1 Grass Seed Separator. Signed, James McGraw B. Woolley. I put one of the Boxes in my house, and put into it every thing you directed which had come. I delivered to Mrs Bernhisel all the articles as directed, and she called and got a bill of goods at the retail price, was $146.26. I have a bill of the articles.

Letter to Orson Pratt, 30 September 1856

Elder O. Pratt Dear Brother, As the mail will soon leave, I improve a few moments to keep you advised of matters with us. It is a general time of health and peace throughout our Territory: all things are going right and prospering. One of the most interesting scenes that was ever witnessed in our Territory was the arrival of two of the Hand Cart Companies, on the 26th inst. Having heard the night previous that they were camped between the two mountains, Presidents Young and Kimball, and many citizens, with a detachment of the Lancers, and the Brass Bands, went out to meet them and escort them into the city. They met the companies at the foot of the Little Mountain. Elder E. Ellsworth led the First Company, and Elder Daniel D. McArthur, the Second; and after the meeting and salutations were over, amid feelings which no one can describe, the escort was formed, a party of Lancers leading the advance, followed by the Bands, the Presidency, the Marshal, and Citizens; then came the companies of Hand Carts, another party of Lancers bringing up the rear. Bishop Hunter, Capt. L. W. Hardy and myself fell in with the escort as they entered the city, and I must say my feelings were inexpressible: to behold a company- of men, women and children, many of them aged and infirm, enter the city of the Great Salt Lake, drawing 100

Letter to the Editor of the Luminary, 30 September 1856

Editor of the Luminary Dear Sir, The people throughout this Territory are enjoying good health so far as we can learn: there have been a few cases of small pox on Big Cottonwood, but nothing serious. On the morning of the 31st ult. [last month] a fire broke out in the Public Blacksmith's shop, but was extinguished without doing much damage. On the 10th inst. we moved into our new office, opposite the President's and Governor's offices; it is a very pleasant location, and the building is much more suitably adapted for the purpose of compiling history than the one we have previously occupied Elders Parley P. Pratt, Thomas Bullock, Bernard Snow, Samuel F Neslen, George Gates, and a number of other missionaries for the States and Europe left on the same day. I took a trip to the Sugar Works, on the evening of the 11th and preached to the Saints on the necessity of encouraging Home Manufactures. Elder Preston Thomas arrived in this City from Texas on the evening of the 12th inst. in advance of his company which arrived on the 16th. During the night of the 19th Brother Lufkin's cabinet

Letter to the Editor of the Mormon, 30 September 1856

G. S. L. City Editor of the Mormon Dr Sir, The hand cart company's of Saints under Elders Ed. Ellsworth and D. D. McArthur arrived here on the evening of Friday Sep. 26 Inst. having been about 9 weeks from Florence, to this point; the few ox teams and wagons they had along, retarded their progress considerably, not being able to keep up with them. Prests. B. Young, and H. C. Kimball with a detachment of Lancers, the Brass band, and many citizens went up into the Kanyon to meet the companies. The feelings which the Brethren had on meeting them I will not attempt to pourtray, to behold a company of men women and children amounting to nearly 500 souls, drawing 486 100 hand carts, entering into the city of Great Salt Lake, dancing with joy as they passed along, only complaining that they had been encumbered with a few ox teams for which they had to wait several hours almost daily, otherwise they would have been with us ten days sooner, and then to realize that this company had walked some 1400 miles, drawing their hand carts the whole distance; these things presented to our eyes, at the same time reflecting upon the future results— filled our hearts with joy unspeakable, and caused our bosoms to swell with thanksgiving to God. we felt that the flood gate of deliverance was hoisted to the oppressed millions, and we could say in confidence to the poor and honest in heart "come home to Zion," for the way is opened up. Prest. Kimball said his heart felt as big as a two bushel basket, yes our hearts were so swollen that we were speechless not with sorrow, but with joy. Elders Ellsworth and McArthur have earned honor and glory to themselves in the leading of these companies

Letter from Ezra Taft Benson, 30 September 1856

Copenhagen . Elder Woodruff Dear Brother! Your very wellcome letter I have recei- ved and I am thankfull for the news con- tained therein. I will in turn give you a short account of my missionary life up to this date. For the last six weeks I have been travelling and preaching in several places. In England I have visited among others, Bir- mingham, Worcester, Cheltenham, Gloucester, Reading, London, where there is 35 organized branches—Bro Ross presiding. He brought together 3 or 4 branches at a time, whereby I got the oppor- tunity to preach night after night untill we had gone through all the Districts in this great Metropolis. from there I went to Essex, and then to Leeds, Bradford, and Hull. I[n] all places I have ^had^ the privilege to bear testimony of the Latter day Work, and have had good times together with the saints, which I have found to be a good peo ple. As a general thing as I like England better than America in that respect that [sideways text] E. T. Benson Copanhagen Sept 30 1856 Answered April 1st 1857 [end of sideways text]


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life.

Church-wide reformation includes rebaptizing, restructuring and recommitment to principles and covenants. First "home missionaries" introduced (precursor to ministering program).
First baptisms administered in baptismal font; members of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles rebaptized (4th rebaptism for Wilford).

Sep 30, 1856