Day in the Life

Oct 7, 1856

Journal Entry

October 07, 1856 ~ Tuesday

7th The conference was called to order by President Kimball at 9 oclk
and he said I want to say a word to the congregation and to all the
House of Israel if you expect to be blessed & have the word of God come
through his servants let there be peace & silence. Let evry man take
his seat & set there till the meeting is out & you are dismissed
God says that his house is a house of order & not of confusion
& let evry man be in silence & the women not one whit behind the
men I will inform the congregation men & women that if there is
any one that wishes to go out they had better go out now For
the poliece will be at those gaps & there can none go out when they
once take their seats, & we want the poliece if the men that are
in the caucuses make the noise that they did yesterday to just knock them
in the head those are my I do orders, for men to come hundreds
of miles & then to sit & talk & chatter & do their business here at
this meeting it is not proper. You may say I am severe I am not
half as severe as the Lord wants me to be I have seen Joseph when
men were in council meetings with him & rose to leave, cut them
right off from the Church before they got out of the door. You grieve
the spirit tramel the spirit & it is grieved with the confusion & interrup-
tion if you do not believe this, get the spirit of God & come on this
stand & attempt to talk to this people. The above reported by Leo Hawkins

After singing & prayer The meeting was addressed by Daniel D Mcarthur
James McGaw, Elder France, & David Grant, & W C Dunbarson
then S. W Crandle & D. D. Mcarthur spoke followed by a song from Dunbar
followed by N. H. Felt with a spirited address, followed with
the cricket song by J. D. T. Mc'allister. Benediction by D Spencer

Met at 2 P.M. President Kimball called to order after singing &
prayer by John Young. The meeting was addressed by Elders
MCDonald John Young H. W. Church Canute Peterson Wm Butler
Elder Boley & Edmund Elsworth, they also spoke in the spirit & power
of God

John Woolley was voted to be bishop in the 9th ward
It was then resolved that the missionaries who had just returned
to the valley should stop a few days with there families then go
through this Territory & strengthen there brethren

President Kimball spoke a short time

President Young moved that this conference adjourn till the 6th day
of April 1857 carried unanimously

J M Grant told the Bishops & all men when they got home to live
their religion. He exhorted them in the spirit & power of God

President Young Exhorted the People to listen to what Brother
Grant had said & lay it to heart & put it in practize & then
Blessed the congregation of Saints. Elder Dunbar sung &
the Assembly was dismissed.

I met at Early candle light with the seventies & Elders in
the Tabernacle the House was nearly Full the First seven presidents
were present with Joseph Young presiding. President Joseph
Young occupied the fore part of the meeting in transacting the busi-
ness of the Quorums. 70 Quorums were called upon & found to
be mostly full.

President J Young then called for a
subscription for the Seventies he got but Little

President J M Grant then arose & said I feel that there are
some An arrow piercing a heart things that greeve me. President Young was asked if
it would not be well to send the Presidents of the seventies out
He said No they would Preach the people to sleep & then to Hell
Now this shows me that the Presidents of the seventies the sefirst seven
Presidents are asleep and their is sumthing wrong with them. if
this is the case that they would preach the people to sleep & then to
Hell Then this body of counsellors are guilty of great sins either of
omission or commission & I would advise Joseph Young to cut off
his council & drop them & appoint men in his stead who are full of
the Holy Ghost & will act with him & assist him. Now we will take
up his council & look at them. Now here is brother Levi Hancock
why he will fiddle diddle di fiddle diddle do fiddle diddle dum & tweedle
diddle ta. Now he might preach a month & ther would be no more spirit
of God in it than their would be in a Cabbage Leaf. Now If you would
preach the people to sleep & to Hell you are guilty of some great Henious sins either
of commission or omission you have either committed Adultery or some other
sins & you ought to be droped. Here is Brother Harriman now if you will preach

the people to sleep & to Hell you are guilty of some great sins either of commission
or omission have committed Adultery or some great sins & you ought to be
droped. Brother Harriman might preach a month then you might put it all
in the Eye of a cambrick Needle & there would be as much room in it as
there would be for a bulfrog in the Atlantic ocean. Albert P Rockwood if
you would preach the people to sleep then to Hell you are asleep dead, & guilty
of committing Adultery or some great sins there is no sap in you you are
as dry as an old musk rat skin & you ought to be droped. And Zerah Pulsipher
if He would preached the people to sleep & to Hell you are guilty of some
abominable sins of commission or omission of committing Adultery or some
great sins & ought to be droped & I will say the same of Benjamin Clapp
& H. S. Edldridge according to the presidents words they are asleep & ought
to be droped. I think that Brother Joseph ought to cut them off & prune
the trees around him how can the body be kept awake & Healthy when
the head is asleep & dead. It has been with great reluctance that I have
voted for the presidents of the seventies for a long time And I will say
to these seventies if your Presidents have gone to sleep dont you go to
sleep. but keep awake. If your Presidency have committed Adultery
& done wrong & committed great sins that will damn them dont you
do it but wake up. Is there any man that ins in that council that
has been ordained a councellor to Joseph Young if so I do not
know it but each man was ordained a president & is under as
much obligation as Joseph Young is to magnify his calling & do his
duty but they never think of such a thing of taking any burthen
upon their shoulders but leave it all for Joseph Young to do & he has to
drag them along when I vote for Rockwood, Pulsipher, Harriman &
Levi Hancock I do it vary reluctantly, & I have done so for years &
now I want to have you to wake up & do yor duty. There is no life
spirit sap or Juce in Hancok, Harriman &pulsipher & Rockwood's preaching,
to more than there is in an old mummy. These are the kind of men
that are your presidents. And the seventies as a body are as dry & dead
as an old chip & you are as tight as the bark of a tree. It is the duty
of the seventies to sustain Brother Joseph Young to furnish him with
food fuel & rament that He may give himself to the work of the min-
istry who has esstablished the president to take men who were
in the battallion to be presidents I would take men who were full of
the Holy Ghost I do not care whare the Hell they come from. This
is what I want I say again the Presidents of the seventies are asleep
and if they do not wake up they should be cut off. He spoke in the power
of God
& the gift of the Holy Ghost

Levi Hancok followed him & said He had not commit Adultery he never
courted any woman but his wife & she courted him. He justified himself
in a measure. He was followed by Benjamin Clap who said He had
not committed adultery & if he hag [had] gone to sleep he had done it since
he came here for he was not asleep when he came home. He intended
to serve God with all his heart & was willing to go through this territory
with his pack upon his back & preach the gospel. A. P. Rockwood received
the chastizement & ment to repent & go into the waters of Baptism as
soon as He got a chance

J. M. Grant asked me if I had not sumthing to say that the seventies
were under the Twelve. I told him I would like to bear testimony to
what He had said. I Arose & said to the people that I wished them
not to trifle with the teachings of President Grant for what He had
said was true he had shot arrows of the Almighty among the people
and if they did not wake up & take the warning & repent of there

sins for the day has come when it will not do to trifle with the Things of
God nor with his servants who hold the keys of the kingdom & are called to
lead us I called upon the Presidents of the seventies & all the seventies
to begin this hour to call upon God for the Holy spirit & advised them
to stop work & give themselves to prayer untill they could get the spirit
of God. I had the spirit of God in speaking unto the people I told them
I had recorded what Elder Grant had said & I should keep it on

I was followed by Joseph Young who spoke well & in a good spir[it]


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Rockwood, Albert Perry
9 Jun 1805 - 26 Nov 1879
Clapp, Benjamin Lynn
19 Aug 1814 - 21 Oct 1865
141 mentions
1835 Southern Convert
Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
3440 mentions
Apostle, Family
78 mentions
McArthur, Daniel Duncan
8 Apr 1820 - 3 Jun 1908
93 mentions
Spencer, Daniel
20 Jul 1794 - 8 Dec 1868
Church, Haden Wells
29 Aug 1817 - 27 Sep 1875
Kimball, Heber Chase
14 Jun 1801 - 22 Jun 1868
1456 mentions
Harriman, Henry
9 Jun 1804 - 17 May 1891
Eldredge, Horace Sunderlin
6 Feb 1816 - 6 Sep 1888
Grant, Jedediah Morgan
25 Feb 1816 - 1 Dec 1856
280 mentions
Apostle, Zion's Camp
McAllister, John Daniel Thompson
19 Feb 1827 - 21 Jan 1910
659 mentions
Young, John (Jr.)
22 May 1791 - 27 Apr 1870
Smith, Joseph (Jr.)
23 Dec 1805 - 27 Jun 1844
Young, Joseph
7 Apr 1797 - 16 Jul 1881
Hawkins, Leo
19 Jul 1834 - 28 May 1859
Hancock, Levi Ward
7 Apr 1803 - 10 Jun 1882
35 mentions
Zion's Camp
Pulsipher, Zerah
24 Jun 1788 - 1 Jan 1872


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Letter from Alexander Badlam, 9 February 1856
Sac City Dear Bro. Woodruff as Capt Brown is leaving Sacramento to day for Salt Lake City I hasten to pen a few lines that you may know I am well and doing well My studies are progreressing as well as I could expect I am learning to write the Chinese Language and am about through the 214 Radicals so called by the English or in Chinese [chinese characters] tsz of which I will not write much at this time but will hereafter when [chinese characters] Pi I will give an account of the gen strange language I shall be able to by much diligense to both write in a good degree and speak in that language. I am sure I can learn it will you please Remember me to the president Bro Young and his family to your own Bensons Smiths Joseph Young Bro Byard and all my good friends Bro Barnes has lost his wife she died some Months sinse he has settled about 30 Miles from us and is farming. I send you a few seeds the Flowering Malva or some such name which becomes a large and beautiful tree of flowers the wall plant for ornamtent a Chinese Bean the pods are 3 or 4 ft long With much Respect A Badlam
Autobiography Volume 3 circa 1865-1866
On the Conference was called to order by President Kimball who rebuked those who were in the habit of leaving during service or talking at meeting and he said "You may say I am severe. I am not half as severe as the Lord wants me to be. I have seen Joseph when men were in Council meetings with him and rose to leave cut them off from the Church before they got out of the door. You tramel the Spirit and it is grieved with the confusion and interuption. If you do not believe this get the Spirit of God and come on this stand and attempt to talk to the people During the day a number of the Returned Missionaries spoke and it was resolved that the Returned Missionaries should stay with their families


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Church-wide reformation includes rebaptizing, restructuring and recommitment to principles and covenants. First "home missionaries" introduced (precursor to ministering program).
First baptisms administered in baptismal font; members of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles rebaptized (4th rebaptism for Wilford).

Oct 7, 1856