Day in the Life

Nov 25, 1856

Journal Entry

November 25, 1856 ~ Tuesday

25th I spent the fore part of the day at home & the afternoon in the office
I attended the bishops meeting in the evening Bishop Edward Hunter
addressed the people followed by L. W. Hardy E. D. Woolley & W. Woodruff
all spoke plain & had the spirit of God


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Woolley, Edwin Dilworth
28 Jun 1807 - 14 Oct 1881
121 mentions
Hardy, Leonard Wilford
31 Dec 1805 - 31 Jul 1884
233 mentions


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Discourse 1856-11-25
Bro Woodruff said I have been edified this evening, and am interested in the building up of this kingdom. Upon this quorum (the Bishops) rests great responsibility. I would like to know why this people go to our enemies to make their purchases, and those who hold the priesthood may sink, and all this, right under the eyes of the first Presi- dency; Another is, why so many pretending to be saints, make promi[s]es, without caring whether they fulfil them or not, and why they run in debt, regardless of ever paying. I see such men in Israel, and am ashamed of it; I despise such folly. Why in the name of almighty God, do not this people shake themselves free of these sins. I call upon you Bishops to help relieve Prest Young of some of these duties, and not let him be borne down with these things. Use your influence to restrain the flood of wheat and Flour from going to these Gentile stores— we shall have a famine if it is not stopped. I keep a debtor and Creditor account with the Lord in my tithing, of all that I produce, or consume as I would with a Gentile store, or any other; when can a man pay his tithing so well, as at the time of raising, or harvesting! If every man kept a book account of his tithing and expenses the Bishops would find it an easy matter to settle the tithing with them. Prune your quorums, it is better to prune them than that the Tree should rot. If israel do not do their duty, we shall lose the Presidency. May the spirit and power of the priesthood rest upon the Bishops, for upon them rests great responsibility. May God bless you with every blessing you need &c
Autobiography Volume 3 circa 1865-1866
on the night of Brother Heber C Kimball related the following: "I dreamed that I was travelling with a companion and we came to a powerful rapid stream of water like the Niagara River. The waves were rolling very high and increasing in size. The waters had been muddy but were getting clear As we came to this powerful stream we did not know ^how^ we should get over it. I turned my eyes a few moments from my companion and when I looked back I saw him on the other side of the river and climbing a steep hill. I did not know how he got there. I wanted to cross so I called to him as loud as I could. ^to stop and wait ^to^ for me but he paid no attention to me but went on as hard as he could.^ Then a person came to me and said you have an iron rod in your hand, which I perceived I had several feet long. The angel said to me you must use this rod and feel your way over the river and I awoke. I considered my dream and interpret it as follows: My companion was J. M. Grant who has suddenly died and left me and is the other side of the veil. The waters mean the people in ^they are increasing in strength^ and growing better and clearer. The iron rod is the word of God which I must cling to till I get through death. I consider there are great things awaiting this people.


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

First baptisms administered in baptismal font; members of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles rebaptized (4th rebaptism for Wilford).
Members of Territorial Legislature rebaptized (Wilford for the fifth time).
Church membership is 55,236.

Nov 25, 1856