Day in the Life

Dec 15, 1856

Journal Entry

December 15, 1856 ~ Monday

15th It is a fair day. The remainder of the Emigriation all arived in the
city to day about 30 teams containing about 200 souls it being the Last of
the ox train company. Brother & Sister Enion arived I called upon them
& offered to give them a home through the winter but they had engaged
a room on Emigration street.

I attended a meeting with the missionaries & Bishops meeting opened By
singing & prayer By J. C. Little. W Woodruff said we have missionaries
& Bishops from some 20 wards & I would like to hear a report
from them all & I will give each man some 3 minutes to speak in
then all can speak the missionaries all spoke then the Bishops
Bishop Hunter & J. C. Little spoke first. W Woodruff gave some council
at the close. Bishop A. O. Smoot went with me to Bishops
Hunters & we laid hands upon his wife & one child both of which
were sick


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Smoot, Abraham Owen
17 Feb 1815 - 6 Mar 1895
583 mentions
1835 Southern Convert
Little, Jesse Carter
26 Sep 1815 - 26 Dec 1893


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I considered my dream & interpeted it as follows my Companion was J. M. Grant He has suddenly died & left me & is [on] the other side of the veil the waters mean the people that are increasing in streng[th]s & growing better & clearer, the Iron rod is the word of God which I must cling to till I get through death. I consider ther is great things awaiting this people.
~ Heber C Kimball

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Discourse 1856-12-15
W. W. our object in getting up the catechism is not to expose &but save men. let the missionaries catechise a man privately, especially if believe guilty of grosser sins. I would recommend that no man be catechised before his family. if guilty of adultery make a record of it & tell no man but Prest. Young, or if guilty of shedding innocent blood, F. D. & myself have labored & if ppl confess to F. D. do I tell F. D. or does F D tell me, no. I would tackke men & women together. if a man has stollen $5.00 I& made it right I dont want him to confess, but if sins are not confessed that ought to be, but if confesed & made right thats the end of it. lambs hunt, but not after their hunt. nither glad to see so little feeling manifested between the Bishops & missionars. I never have had difficulty in going where even a deacon presided, if Bishops act improper. I find it best to be wise & try to save a man if his heart is honest. I would not raise up again a Bishop but backwater to save man. have acknowledged wrong, when I was right, I go &


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Members of Territorial Legislature rebaptized (Wilford for the fifth time).
Church membership is 55,236.

Dec 15, 1856