Day in the Life

Jan 31, 1857

Journal Entry

January 31, 1857 ~ Saturday

31st I spent the day in the office writing Letters & office business &c


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Letter from Ozem Thompson Woodruff, 31 January 1857
Avon Dearly beloved I now write unto you desiring to hear from you I want to know of your health and your family, and of your prosperity in the things of the world and more especially the things of the kingdom and the state of you own soul I receive your letter Dated May 25 1856 I was glad to here from you that you are all well and are prospering in the cause of truth I fell that the mormon cause was the cause of God and I think it is the only cause that will stand the test in the great day of God almity. I beleave that mormonism is truth and think the gates of hell will not prevail against it. I think it is founded on the foundation of the Apostles and prophets Jesus Christ himself the chief corner stone [Ephesians 2:20] I exect that some will be moved out of every kindred and nation under heaven John had a view of a great multitude that had wash there robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb when Christ comes [Revelation 7:14] will defend faith on the earth where is the church of God where shall I find it I dont find it in Avon when Christ comes I expect he will have a people on the earth that will possess the gifts and graces of the gospel and contend for the faith once delivered to the saints. I would inform you that I am well and my family and we have the comforts of life I am now liying still on a rent of cold wether the winter is verry cold we have had some of coldest days that we have had for ten years the [sasmitt] is froze up I have done nothing


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Members of Territorial Legislature rebaptized (Wilford for the fifth time).
Church membership is 55,236.

Jan 31, 1857