2nd I spent the day in the office writing letters I attended the
Seventies meeting & had a good time the spirit of the Lord was
with us the meeting was addressed by Elders Rockwood & Hancock a short
time then followed by Elder Lorenzo Snow & W. Woodruff. Elder Snows
mind run in a vary interesting channel the spiritual atmosphere seemed
to be heavy when he ^a^rose but the spirit of God came upon him & he
spoke in a vary edefying & interesting manner the following remarks wer
Elder snow was written from memery
Brethren I rise to occupy a short time. I realize that there is a feeling
with nearly all of this people that there is sumthing of great importance
awateing this people some think that we will be beset by a great mob
from the states others that we would have an insurrection in our mids[t]
& others sumthing Els now of [if] the people really knew that we would be met
by a mob & that our lives depended upon our being well armed you would
see this people sell their coat or shirt to buy revolvers & weapons so
as to defend their wives children & their own lives but I am satisfyed
that there are scenes awaiting this people that will require all the grace &
wisdom which we can muster to pass through in safety. now for instance
this people are makeing a great rush to Presidents Youngs office to get wives
sealed to them on sunday night. President Young sealed men & women
till it was time for the prayer circle to meet then He had to turn a room
full out of Doors to wait another time this spirit is increasing throughout
this Territory now do those who are taking so many wives realize that
it will want a great Deal more power with God the Holy Ghost & wisdom
to preside over that Houshold than it does to go to the nations & preach
the gospel, build up churches & organize them & preside over & controll
them, if they do not realize it it is true, now here is this great body
of seventies & every other Quorum of this Church should labour hard
to arm yourselves with all the power of God you can get in order to save
your familyies if you do not if you do not you will soon find a
stamped[e] with your wives you cannot hold them they will break
from you you th need the wisdom of the Gods to rest upon you to save
your families for if you do not have great wisdom you will
meet with trouble. you have many wives & children this woman
wants a gown that one a Bonnet the next one shoes & their children
clothing & one thinks she Has to do more than her part & this one will
not do what she should &c & the man has got to stand in the midst
of his family like a God in order to calm the troubled waters & safe
them. A man may Go to a ward meeting & preach & the power of God
is upon him he comes home he finds one woman scolding & freting
another one in tearess, another one complaining & the children
fighting & by the time he gets well in the midst of it hith [his] faith
courage & patience almost fails him, & he has to rise up in the majesty
of a God as it were & have Great wisdom faith & patience & exercise
much Generalship & show himself a master spirit & a savior & a
Fatherly care & kind ness in order to save his wives & children. Here
is a mission for you ye Elders of Israel. Look for instance at the example
of president Young go into his house & take lessons see him with his
great family of wives & children & se the God like character & exam-
ple of that man & the order which he manifests in his family I
tell you if it was not so you would see a stampede suddenly in that
House but He is a great master spirit & manifests great wisdom
in the perfect order of Government with his numerous family of
wives & children. they all respect him & obey his law for the wisdom
of God is with him. Now brethren strive to bring yourselves to the same
standard become a patriarch over your own Household & seek to
save them connected with order you have to become a financere
& you have to support your wives & children & you want to live
so that you can call upon God to increase your flock heards &
crops this brethren is the greater work which you have to prepare
your minds for almost any fool can go & preach the gospel but
it requires a vary wise man to be a patriarch & save his own
household. Many other interesting remarks were made which I
have not room here to record
W Woodruff followed & said I have been much instructed with the word
of Elder Snow his words are true as the gospel & I bear testimony of its truth
I am watching the spirits of men we come & meet with the seventies and
with all other Quorums of the Church from the 12 down & watch the spirits &
give instruction as the spirit dictates this is not ownly our right &but duty
Here is before me a vast body of 70sSeventies the minds of this body of men
must be fed your presidents should be filled with the spirit & power of God
so that they can attend all the meetings & feed them & give unto them the
mind & will of God if they do not do this they will die & cannot stand
for the minds of these Seventies must be fed but many of them who
have been ordained into these Quorums have not prized the priesthood
which they have had sealed upon them. many times they have been so
anxious to go & attend to some trifling thing that they could not stop
long enough to be ordained at least as soon as the hands were off
they would run & not stop to give their genealogy many of the Elders
of this Church have trifled with the priesthood. there is now a
call made to gather up all the Elders priests Teachers & Deacons that are
^not^ esspecially ingaged as teachers with the Bishops to come forward & be
ordained into the seventies now it does appear to me that the Lesser
priesthood is necessary in the Church otherwise the Lord would not have
esstablished it. the Head cannot say to the feet we have no need of you
no more than the feet can say to the head we have no need of you. [1 Corinthians 12:21] almost
all the Lesser priesthood are striveing to become ordained into the seventies
while the bishops wish them to officiate in the Lesser priesthood. * see the star on the other page
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