Day in the Life

Nov 11, 1857

Journal Entry

November 11, 1857 ~ Wednesday

11th It is a cold morning the whole mountains Hills & vallies
were covered with snow it is reported that their is 8 feet of
snow on the top of the Big mountain through which our Brethr-
en have to travel I spent the fore part of the day in triming
& covering my grape vines to save them from the frost,
the afternoon I spent in the office president ^with^ H. C. Kimball
& G. A. Smith in reading Br Kimball History. At 7 oclok
Dr Hickman arived in this city had been a prisioner in
the Enemys camp for a long time but they let him go
He thinks col Johnson will try to come in they talk of
Breaking up into small companies & trying to come in
in various ways I was in the Governors office and
heard him talk a short time


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Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
3446 mentions
Apostle, Family
Smith, George Albert
26 Jun 1817 - 1 Sep 1875
1433 mentions
Apostle, Missionary
Hickman, George Washington
12 Mar 1825 - 24 Nov 1893
Kimball, Heber Chase
14 Jun 1801 - 22 Jun 1868
1457 mentions


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It snowed all day & was cold 1300 men are ordered into the mountains in addition to wh those already there Col Phileman C Merrill commanding the Davis County troops past the governors office for the mountains with 242 men 56 of which were mounted 17 offercers of the line & 4 of the col staff they had 23 Baggage waggons after stoping a short time in front of the Gov office they continued their march towards the mountains of snow as near 2000 of their Brethren had done before to meet the Enemy many went with wet feet poor shoes & straw hats on without tents or fire at night as they could not reach timber untill next day yet it shoes the willingness the saints have to maintain the kingdom of God & defend themselves against our Enemies it was a cold night
~ Wilford Woodruff

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On the Dr Hickman arrived in the city. He had been a prisoner in the enemy's camp for a long time but they let him go. 'Twas his opinion that Col Johnson would try to come in. They talked of breaking up into small companies and trying to come in in various ways There had been on the arrival of the first intelligence of Col Johnson's movements been 1300 men ordered into the mountains besides those already there. Col Philemon C Merrill commanding the Davis County troops commenced their march for the Expedition. They consisted of 242 men 56 of whom were mounted 17 officers of the


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Nov 11, 1857