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Day in the Life

May 8, 1859

Journal Entry

May 08, 1859 ~ Sunday

8th Sunday I met with my Quorum. A Hinkley Prayed
R. L. Campbell was mouth. I attended meeting in the
Tabernacle. O Pratt Preached upon the different glories
and the class of persons who occupied each glory & the
punishment & reward of all classes. [Doctrine and Covennts 76] I preached in
the afternoon & bore testimony to the discourse in the fore-
noon & the fullness of the gospel & that Joseph & Brigham
and others were true Prophets of God & that all the world
who were fighting against the L D. Saints & their prophets
were fighting against God and his kingdom & the
Judgments of God awaited them and they had not
the power to destroy the Kingdom of God for he had
planted the kingdom on the Earth & he would maintain
it if the wicked had power to kill the prophets they
had not power to stop the work of God
I met with the Quorum of the Twelve O Hyde
O Pratt was mouth.


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal.

Hinckley, Arza Erastus
15 Aug 1826 - 18 Feb 1901
64 mentions
Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 26 Aug 1877
3301 mentions
Apostle, Family
Smith, Joseph (Jr.)
23 Dec 1805 - 27 Jun 1844
2227 mentions
Hyde, Orson
8 Jan 1805 - 28 Nov 1878
670 mentions
Pratt, Orson
19 Sep 1811 - 3 Oct 1881
1037 mentions
Campbell, Robert Lang
21 Jan 1825 - 11 Apr 1874
106 mentions


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I preached in the afternoon & bore testimony to the discourse in the fore- noon & the fullness of the gospel & that Joseph & Brigham and others were true Prophets of God & that all the world who were fighting against the L D. Saints & their prophets were fighting against God and his kingdom & the Judgments of God awaited them and they had not the power to destroy the Kingdom of God for he had planted the kingdom on the Earth & he would maintain it if the wicked had power to kill the prophets they had not power to stop the work of God
~ Wilford Woodruff

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Discourse 1859-05-08
Afternoon, Elder Wilford Woodruff dwelt on the dealings of God with man; his immuta- bility and unchangeableness of character, treated on the subject of the rewards and pun- ishments that will be dealt out to the children of men at the great day of judgment. He then reviewed the perseverance and diligence of the Prophets of God who lived anciently, and exhorted the people to imitate the good deeds of all good men, and called their atten- tion to the blessings in store for the faithful; treated on the narrowness of the road to life and the broadness of the way to death, the un- ceasing opposition to the things of God in all ages, bore testimony to the Divine authenticity of the Book of Mormon, that Joseph Smith was a Prophet—God's vicegerent on the earth, and that all the keys, powers, privileges and bless- ings possessed by that holy man were with his successor in office.


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May 8, 1859