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Day in the Life

May 9, 1859

Journal Entry

May 09, 1859 ~ Monday

9th I spent most of the day in the garden we ploughed
the remainder of it I planted cotton, corn, sugar cane,
Musk & watermellons, Pumpkins & squashes & Beans
Madder & indigo

Marshall Dodson with James Ferguson & several others
visited the Arsinol to see what they could find the gentiles
are alarmed & have reported that the mormons are
preparing to arise up & massacree them & it is rumoured
they have so reported to Govornor Cummings & that
there is armed man in the mountains & Govornor
Cummings Ordered John Kay the Territorial Marshall
to go into the mountains & dispers all armed Bodies
of men.


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69 mentions
Ferguson, James
23 Feb 1828 - 30 Aug 1863
63 mentions
Kay, John
5 mentions


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I preached in the afternoon & bore testimony to the discourse in the fore- noon & the fullness of the gospel & that Joseph & Brigham and others were true Prophets of God & that all the world who were fighting against the L D. Saints & their prophets were fighting against God and his kingdom & the Judgments of God awaited them and they had not the power to destroy the Kingdom of God for he had planted the kingdom on the Earth & he would maintain it if the wicked had power to kill the prophets they had not power to stop the work of God
~ Wilford Woodruff


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May 9, 1859