17th I budded a few 20 ounce Apples to day it is vary warm
I spent the day in the office we had our lessoss [lessons] at 5 oclok on
the deseret Alphabet President Young came in at 6 oclok
soon Hosea Stout came & said he had been with Judge
Eckles he had been with the other Judges in council the
other two Judges was disposed to try to set asid last winter
procedings of the Legislature, while Eckles contended that
that the Laws are valeid & this is the seat of government
Eckels asked H Stouutt about the authority of the county
court they talked over Utah affairs vary freely G. A. Smith
spoke upon his Travels in the East the improvements of the
roads &c
President Young has labored hard for several years to
get the Deseret Alphabet introduced among the Latter Day
Saints He has finally introduced it in his office by having
his Journals kept in it & we have come to the conclusion
to keep our Journals in the Historians office in the same
so from this date I shall be gin to keep my Journal in
the Deseret Alphabet
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