Day in the Life

Jul 11, 1859

Journal Entry

July 11, 1859 ~ Monday

11th The Eastern Mail came in last evening & was opened
this morning the war continueds in Europe some battels
fou[gh]t & blood shed. Horace Greely Editor of the Tribune arived
in this city with the mail He has been with Dr Bernhisel
this forenoon went to the Hot spring with him. Mr Hoover
called at the office gave O. P. Rockwell a description of 4
Horses & 1 Mule stolen out Mr Mousley pasture He gave
him authority to take the animals whare ever they could
be found. I learned to day that Col Johnson sent an escort
of cavelry to guard the prisioners out of the camp so they
would not be mobed. President Young called at the
office a short time. Hoosesea Stout received a Letter From
David McKenzie wrote a letter to requesting Him to
come & plead his cause & bring such evidence as he thought
proper. He was accused of Forgery. H Stout asked
President Youngs council. He said He did not wish to
talk about it but said The Lawyiers were not required

by any law to go to that camp & he should not do it & if
He was his Lawyier he should advise him to let the Judges
do as they pleased at the examination & if I was in his
place I would Neither Deny nor confess any thing but would
remain silent. if he is guity he ought to be cuffed for
I have employed him for 2 years & paid him & helped
his family & for such a man to ingaged in such a business
I feel like spanking him they seek evry opportunity to
Hatch up an accusation against me. If MCKinzie will
tell the truth it will be all right as far as I am concerned
But if my enemies can get him to lie against me or any
body els so they can make a war on me then their will
be a fight on hand and this will be as soon as the Lord will
Brother Hosea wrote to MCkinzie, that the holding of a court
at Camp Floyd in a military camp was illegal & contrary
to the instructions of Judge Black & President Bucannan
I shall not come to plead any cause in that camp

A man called upon President Young & informed him that
he had found a good bed of stone colal on the Webber from
4 to 10 miles above the mouth of echo canyon. He found three
veins of the coal about 3 feet each & the man is an old colyier [collier]
He ingaged to deliver to President Young 100 tons of coal at
$20 per ton


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
3459 mentions
Apostle, Family
McKenzie, David
27 Dec 1834 - 10 Mar 1912
Stout, Hosea
18 Sep 1810 - 2 Mar 1889
69 mentions
Historical Figure
Bernhisel, John Milton
23 Jun 1799 - 28 Sep 1881
Mousley, Titus
9 May 1790 - 5 Aug 1865


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Jul 11, 1859