Day in the Life

Jul 12, 1859

Journal Entry

July 12, 1859 ~ Tuesday

12 President Young called into [Co &c] Commission Room
E. T. Benson was present. He has been to provo & held a meeting
saw Brother Carns & told him that he herd that He
was Brain cracked & low spirited He said that it was
true and any man that could be shut up in a dirty sell
as long as I was with some 25 drunken Irish who were
cursing, swearing, fighting, spewing, & shitting & trampling
over me without being Brain cracked & down spirited then
He has a stronger spirit than I have I vomited many
times nearly all there was in me. H Stout said that
Wilson remarked that He expected that Judge Cradlebaugh
& Sinclair would Join Issue against Buchannan & Judge
Black. But whatever they done Stout said they would
Bemean themselves. President Young dreamed a few
nights since that He saw those Judges drunk & they behaved
as ^bad as^ they could evry thing they done was dirty and filthy
The Probate court has been in session about four weeks and
Adjourned to day senedi. I spent the day in the office


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Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
3469 mentions
Apostle, Family
Benson, Ezra Taft
22 Feb 1811 - 3 Sep 1869
379 mentions
Stout, Hosea
18 Sep 1810 - 2 Mar 1889
69 mentions
Historical Figure


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Letter to George Albert Smith, 12 July 1859
G. S. L. City, 4 p.m. Bro. G. A. Smith, As Brother Jaques has given you most of the news, I will only write a few lines. The army flour inspectors are condemning nearly all the flour taken there under the Holliday contract. We cannot ascertain what amount of forged drafts upon U. S. were found upon in the possession of Brewer and Mc Kenzie. Report says from $5000 to $500,000. Who is connected with them in it? we have not learned. When Col. Crossman found that Mc Kenzie had a hand in it, he jumped up and down like a crazy man, saying— "By —, we well make this stick on B. Y. this time." Our lawyers will not go to Camp Floyd to argue any case. Wilson says he thinks Cradle- baugh and Sinclair will join issue against Bu- chanan and Judge Black. If they do, the executive of the nation must be in danger. Sunday evening I met in council, at the President's office, with the Twelve and about a dozen from the south. Nothing special. Stout and Blair are writing to the Governor their reasons for not going to Camp Floyd. A brother, a Collier, I do not know his name, has found a fine bed of coal on Chalk Creek, on the Weber, about 10 miles from the mouth of Echo Kanyon. There are three veins, one above another, each


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Jul 12, 1859