Day in the Life

Jul 16, 1859

Journal Entry

July 16, 1859 ~ Saturday

16th I spent the day hoeing sugar cane & corn. I attended
a meeting of the Typhographical Society at the Counceil House
Mr Horace Greely was present the meeting was got up for his
specil Benefit there was quite a room full of Brethren
& sisters, and a Band of music. after a few tunes by the
Band & a short Prayer By Gilbert Clements we herd
a speech from Mr Horace Greely & I must say that
I was entirely disappointed in the man I was asstonished
at his speech, &language, & appearance. he appeared far more
like a clown of the lowest grade than he did like a
man of letters, ability, & extensive influence & a
conducter of one of the most popular Journals in the Nation
I was at a losts to know whether he was playing the possum
or had lost his senses. He appeared to me like a man
who had accidentelly stumbled into notiriety popularity
& wealth, for neither his head, Phisiognomy, looks,
acts, or speech indicated indicated in the least a man
of knowledge, refinement talent, influence or abilitey
sufficient to edit a Tribune his speech was reported by
G. D. Watt I did not take Minutes it is true there was
some sense in what He said but the language he used
& his manner of speaking nearly destroyed all interest
in the sentiments advanced. He commenced in a whine-
ing drawing out of his words in a vary flat manner in
a babiyish stile as though he had neither a knowledge of
language or Grammar while at the same time we must
be fully aware that he is vary proficient in both for
He has Edited & conducted the Tribune the most popular
& widest circulated paper in America for more than

thirty years. He commenced by saying Mr President Gent-
lemen & Ladies I am happy to meet with you here to night
esspecially to see so many females I havent seen a woman
before since I have come into this ere place not that belong to
this people & I dident expect to see one while I was here
well I do declair I am glad to see so many women here
to night I thought I was ownly going to meet a few poor
printers. I dident expect to see any women at all But I
expect you are connected in the printing business in some
way or other. The printers talked of gitting me up a dinner
well I declair I thought it was to hot to eat dinners
much I could get along without any dinner & with
but a poor Breakfast if I could ownly in the morning
take up a News paper & read what all the world had
done the day before & gess what they would do today
I could get along with the loss of all the luxeries that
you are deprived of if I could have a telegraph wire
that would tell me all that was going on in all the world
He confined his speech to the printing business telegraph
wire & the improvements of the day told how long he had
been in the printing business the improvements that had been
made in that art since He commenced He know had a stea[m]
press that could print 20000 sheets per hour & should not
be satisfied untill he could put on one ton of paper in one
continues rooll onto his cilender & print 40000 sheets per hour
& fold, cut, & direct them by steam which improvement
he was sure would soon come in use He was followed by
Elder O Hyde who spoke upon a variety of subjects & belie-
ved in a telegraph wire which would reach from heaven
to Earth so we could get revelation of God from heaven &
other worlds. Elder John Taylor followed & spoke of many
things & of the conduct of the Judges in this Territory
Gilbert Clements spoke also John Banks. James MCknight
red to Mr Greely a poem from Mr Lions welcomeing
Mr Greely He flourished a candle with such velosity
around Mr Greely's head that I think he left a sprink-
ling of [spearm] upon his close Brother Dunbar sun a
song Brother Mabyan sung a song about the man that could
never get warm and at 11 oclok they adjourned to the
Globe to take Ice cream &c but I returned home & did
not attend.


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
3448 mentions
Apostle, Family
McKnight, James
8 Jun 1830 - 4 Oct 1908
Banks, John
6 Feb 1806 - 15 Jun 1862
Taylor, John, b. 1808
1 Nov 1808 - 25 Jul 1887
1955 mentions
Hyde, Orson
8 Jan 1805 - 28 Nov 1878
694 mentions


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Jul 16, 1859