11th Sunday I met with my Quorum J. M. Mody prayed
W. Woodruff was mouth I attended meeting at the Tabernacle
Sunday Elder O Pratt preached in the Tabernacle in the mor-
ning upon the first principle of the gospel. He spoke lengthy
but made his subject vary plain. Lord Richard Grovesnor
son of the Marquis of Wiestminster was present. He had
an interview with President Young who feasted him on grapes
& fruit took him on to the top of his house whare he could
have a good view of the city. Lord Grovesnor is a young man
about 22 years of age small in stature vary plain in dress
and puts on no more airs than a plain contry farmer
G. A. Smith preachesd in the afternoon followed by N. V. Jones
& President Heber C Kimball. I met with the 12 in the evening
F D. Richards Prayed & Erastus Snow was mouth. we all went
to President Youngs & stayed till 11 oclok at night conversing
upon a variety of subjects. President Young said that N V Jones
said an old man in India variy ages [aged] & a vary learned man
told him that there was a History in the Percian library
giving an account of 2 families leaving Jerrusalem & building
a vessel & set sail for a western continent which agreeed
with the account of Lehi & Ishmahel & their families coming
to America as given in the Book of Mormon. President Young
also said that the seer stone which Joseph YouSmith first obtained
He got in an Iron kettle 15 feet under ground. He saw it
while looking in another seers stone which a person had
He went right to the spot & dug & found it. in speaking of the
Lamanites He said we could not do much for them & the
Lord would not a great deal until they were willing to do sum-
thing for themselves
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