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Day in the Life

Jun 13, 1862

Journal Entry

June 13, 1862 ~ Friday

13 I spent the office day in the office President Young & M.
called into the office at 3 oclock & conversed upon
several subjects. I spent the Evening in President Youngs
Office waiting for a messenger from our armey to bring the
News of affairs with the Morrisites I left after 10 oclok and
about 12 oclock a messenger arived and reported that Capt
Robert Burton surrounded the Morris Fort at about daylight
and sent a letter By the Heardsman to Morris & his council
that they would give him half an hour to answer the writ
and if they would not do it they would fire upon them
they waited one hour and heard Nothing from them
they then fired a cannon shot at them & the morrisits com-
mencd to fire there musketry and this opened the ball for
the day and they faught all day with cannon and and
small arm the secessionest had some minney rifles our
soldiers had strict orders not to Expose themselves but Brother
Jared Smith son of Arthur Smith shot his gun and then
[FIGURE] rose up to see what he had done & stood up to load
his gun and He was shot in the breast & fell & Priv[ate]
Whitehead saw he was mortally wounded & he asked
him if he had any thing to ^say^ to his Father or Mother
He said tell them it is all right. Mormonism is
Just as good and true to day as it ever was and that

was the last words He spoke, and died in five minutes another
man was wounded in the shoulder He was a long way off one
man had a ball shot through his hated the Enemy have
some sharps & minney rifles, our armey have surrounded
them & our connon is placed within 200 yards of the fort
they do not know how many of the morrisites were killed the
messenger did not know. as they were in there log cabins
the Two prisioners were set at liberty & came to our Army
and one of cooks wives with 3 children came to the Armey


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal.

Smith, Arthur
2 mentions
Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 26 Aug 1877
3299 mentions
Apostle, Family
1 mention
3 mentions
Smith, Jared
5 mentions
11 mentions
Cook, Richard
15 mentions
Burton, Robert Taylor
25 Oct 1821 - 11 Nov 1907
125 mentions


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life.

Wilford serves as President of Deseret Agriculture and Manufacturing Society for 15 years.

Jun 13, 1862