Day in the Life

Feb 11, 1863

Journal Entry

February 11, 1863 ~ Wednesday

Feb 11, ^1863^

Brother N. V. Jones is vary sick this morning several of the
Brethren met at his house this morning to dress and pray with him
I spent most of the day in the office. I wrote 2 letters to McCommons
A hand pointing to the right and Aphek Woodruff I attended the Theater in the Evening
& sayw Damon & Pitheas acted which was well perform


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Woodruff, Aphek Lorenzo
12 Aug 1827 - 15 Jan 1891
27 mentions
Jones, Nathaniel V.
13 Oct 1822 - 15 Feb 1863


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Letter to Aphek Lorenzo Woodruff, 11 February 1863
Great Salt Lake City, . Mr. Aphek Woodruff, or any man by the name of Woodruff. This is to certify that I am in search of Aphek Woodruff son of Azmon Woodruff, formerly of Farmington Hartfort Co, Connecticut, but now living in Palermo, Richland Co, New York. Aphek Woodruff went to California some 8 or 10 years since, and corresponded with his Father and friends until about 1858, since which, nothing has been heard from him, and the supposition has been that he was dead either by fair or foul means. Yesterday I met with Mr. David Smith who said that he was a Baptist Minister living in Cherokee lane, and said he was acquainted with a man by the name of Woodruff, and thought it was Aphek Woodruff. If this letter reaches any man by the name of Woodruff, will you please inform me by letter, if you know of any man in California by the name of Aphek Woodruff, and where a letter can reach him, and you will much oblige a large circle of his friends Yours respectfully W. Woodruff Address Wilford Woodruff Great Salt Lake City Utah Territory
Letter to Leander McCommons, 11 February 1863
Mr McCommons Dear sir, I received your letter of Jan. 31, and in reply would say, that coffee, sugar, and Black Pepper have generally been sold at .40 per lb, but they are now .50 to .70, this in part is in consequence of the discount on green backs. Domestic and Prints have been generally about .30 a yard, but now .40 and .50. Cotton yarn is selling for 700 and 750 per bunch. Men's shoes 300 to 400, Boots 6.00 to 800, nails .35 to .40, none for sale. 8x10 glass .25 to .30 each light, &c, &c. You speak of powder, I would recommend you to bring some good powder, good rifle, will find a ready sale from 100 to 150 per lb, also an assortment of shot, large enough for Geese and Ducks, sells .40 per lb. Bring some good caps for Rifles and U. S. Yaugers, Do not bring any lead, as it is manufactured at the mines in this Territory, costs about .25 Extract of dogwood, Madder, Cudbar, Cochineal & Indigo are in great demand here, as the people do their own coloring. I wish to say that all articles brought to this Market should be the very best, as it does not pay so


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Feb 11, 1863