Day in the Life

Jan 7, 1864

Journal Entry

January 07, 1864 ~ Thursday

7. I spent the day in the Legislative Council. We had a
cold snowy day. I visited Col R. Burton in the Evening I
found him sick confined to his bed. He gave me a cirtifica[te]
to the guard to visit Luce in prision who was awaiting his
sentence to be shot I found him vary cheerful full of
hope that his sentence would be commuted to confinement
in the penetentiary. He had no Idea of Dying. He said it
would take a man of more nerve than he had to give
himself up to be executed & he should not do it he did not
say how he would avoid it. I wrote a letter to My Brother
A hand pointing to the right Thompson Woodruff


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Luce, Jason Reed
18 Nov 1830 - 12 Jan 1864
Woodruff, Ozem Thompson
22 Dec 1804 - 28 Dec 1893
222 mentions
Burton, Robert Taylor
25 Oct 1821 - 11 Nov 1907


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I had a child quite sick I administered to it & it was heeled
~ Wilford Woodruff

Jan 7, 1864