4th Saturday I visited Brothers Dodge gardener Branch
Hemingway & several other old Friends
We met in the Bowery at St George at 10 oclok
for a two days Meeting Prayer By E Snow
President Young spoke 23 M[inutes] G A Smith 35 M,
J Taylor 30, A. H. Raleigh 15 I dined with Broth Sanders
Afternoon Prayer by J F Smith
W Woodruff spoke 35 Minutes, G. Q. Cannon 35,
J. F. Smith 35. The Twelve met in council with
E Snow & resolved to cut off A Lyman from the
Quorum of the Twelve with the consent of the other of
the Quorum. I attended a Musical concert in the
Evening I visited many of the gardens of the city
there is much improvement both in St George and
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