6th Oct 1868 I met in the general Conference of the Church
of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints in the New Tabernacle
at 10 oclok
A strange Event happened at this conference All of the Quorum
of the Twelve were present. An Event which has never happened
before for more than 32 years. When they last met it was in
Brother Heber C. Kimballs House in Kirtland & the Quorum were
contending one with another & Brigham Young Prayed to God that
that Quorum might never again meet untill they could meet
in peace & they have never meet since untill to day, & there
are but 3 of that Quorum now with us viz Brigham Young
Orson Hyde & Orson Pratt. The Names of the Quorum of
the Twelve that met on this 6 day of Oct 1868 Are, Orson
Hyde, Orson Pratt, John Taylor, Wilford Woodruff, George
A Smith, E. T. Benson, C. C. Rich, Erastus Snow, Lorenzo
Snow, F. D. Richards, George Q. Cannon, & Joseph F. Smith
The conference was called to order By President Brigham Young
Prayer By G. A. Smith. Orson Hyde made the opening address
& spoke 44 Minutes, Orson Pratt spoke 47 m[inutes]. Afternoon
Prayer By E Snow John Taylor spoke One hour & 18 minuts ^{too long for a dry sermon}^
G. Q. Cannon read the Law & rules of the school of the prophets
& all the people voted to sustain them Joseph W Young spoke 18 m[inutes]
we held a Priesthood meeting in the old Tabernacle & Presid[en]t
Young spoke one Hour & 5 minutes Bishop Hunter spoke 30 m[inutes]
& G A Smith 5 Minutes.
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