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Day in the Life

Oct 29, 1871

Journal Entry

October 29, 1871 ~ Sunday

29. Sunday [FIGURES] In company with H. S. Eldridge
& A. Carrington I went to Camp Duglass & visited
President Wells, H Stout & Wm Kimball, who were Prisioners
under a Militatry Guard, Indited for Murder who were
as innocent of the crime as the Savior before his Crucifixion
while we were there Elder G. Q. Cannon came in had just
arived from Calafornia was in a Rail Road Mass up
& a Miracle that He was not killed quite a Number of
the Brethren were in visiting the Prisioners at about one
oclok we left the Brethren & returned to the City the Prisioners
seemed to Feel cheerful & fell to trust in God But it was
one of the Most wicked persecutions in the annals of time
I Attended the Meeting in the Afternoon & Elder O Pratt
spoke one hour & 25 Minutes upon the words of Paul
in the 14 Ch of Hebrews "Marriage is honorable in all &c"
at the close of the Meeting we Met for Prayer then had a
council [FIGURE] I received a letter from David Kimball

I Married Christian A Dahl & Huldeh Lund on saturday
MNight Oct 29, 1871


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal.

Carrington, Albert
8 Jan 1813 - 19 Sep 1889
210 mentions
Wells, Daniel Hanmer
27 Oct 1814 - 24 Mar 1891
773 mentions
Kimball, David Patten
23 Aug 1839 - 21 Nov 1883
28 mentions
1966 mentions
Eldredge, Horace Sunderlin
6 Feb 1816 - 6 Sep 1888
138 mentions
Stout, Hosea
18 Sep 1810 - 2 Mar 1889
48 mentions
Dahl, Hulda Wilhelmine Lund
25 Feb 1853 - 21 Sep 1874
2 mentions
Pratt, Orson
19 Sep 1811 - 3 Oct 1881
1037 mentions
43 mentions


Browse places mentioned in Wilford Woodruff's journal entry on this day.


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life.

Oct 29, 1871