June 1. Sunday I Attended the Prayer circle & A. O. Smoot
Dedicated A New Sacrament Service at the Alter
^ President Brigham Youngs Birth Day He is 72 years old today
we met in the Meeting House at 10 oclok there was nearly people
Enough to Fill the House 2twice Prayer By David Evans
John Taylor spoke one hour & 30 Minutes, President Young 10 M[inutes].
President said I have asked the Lord what a kind of a Temple
we should Build & the Answer of the Lord was that He did not
Make two things alike & we need not make two Temples alike
so we need not look for two Temples alike
Afternoon Prayer By Zebedee Coulton Joseph F Smith spoke
65 Minutes then President Young 50 Minutes the Meeting was
then Dismissed. We had an Excellent Meeting President
Young gave a great Deal of Good instruction President
Young invited us to come to his house & partake of a Birth Day
Dinner which we accepted off I spent the night with Br Smoot
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