31. Saturday we met in the Meeting House at 10 oclok to hold a
2 days Meeting singing & Prayer By W. Woodruff then W Woodruff
spoke 41 Minutes. John W Young spoke 30 M[inutes], President Young 32 M
At the close of the Meeting we Ordained 5 Patriarchs as follows
Abramham Owen Smoot Born Feb 15, 1815, Owington Owen Co K.Y.
Father & Mother George & Nancy A Rowlett. B Young was Mouth
Zebedee Coltrin born Sept 7, 1804, Ovid, Senaca New York
Parents John & Sarah Graham. John Taylor ordained him
David White Rogers Born Oct 4, 1787, Morristown Newhampshire
Parents Samuel & Hannah Sinclair ordained By W Woodruff
Brother Rogers A literal Descendant of John Rogers burnt at Smithfield London
Aaron Johnson Born June 22, 1806, Haddam Middlesex Co Conn
Parents Didymus & Ruhannah Stephens. Ordained By Joseph F Smith
David Cluff sen Born June 20, 1795, Nottingham, Rockingham co N. H.
Sunday June 1, we also ordained Thomas Collister a Patriarch
Born July 8, 1821, Isl of Man. John & Catherine Murphy Ordained B[y] YB Young
Afternoon Prayer By J. F. Smith. President Young spoke one hour
& 20 Minutes W. Wooduruff spoke 10 Minutes
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