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Day in the Life

Oct 6, 1876

Journal Entry

October 06, 1876 ~ Friday

Oct 6, 1876 Conference met in the New Tabernacle at 10 oclk
The first Presidency & 10 of the Twelve wer preset. O Hyde
and A Carrington Present Absent. Conference opened By
Prayer By D. H. Wells He also Addressed the Assembly 52 M[inutes]
W Woodruff then bore Testimony for 30 Minutes {in the power of God}


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Carrington, Albert
8 Jan 1813 - 19 Sep 1889
210 mentions
Wells, Daniel Hanmer
27 Oct 1814 - 24 Mar 1891
773 mentions
Hyde, Orson
8 Jan 1805 - 28 Nov 1878
670 mentions


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Discourse 1876-10-06
Tabernacle]], , at 10 o'clock. ELDER WILFORD WOODRUFF said the gospel of Jesus Christ was just as true to-day as it was in the days of Adam, or as it was in the days of Nauvoo. God never had had a people on the earth, but what he always held communication with them through his servants the prophets. The gospel had been restored in this our day, as the fulfilment of prophecy given in the scriptures. The Bible was the record of the dealings of God with the Jews, and those revelations given through John the Revelator on the Isle of Patmos, pertaining to the restoration of the gospel and the plagues, pestilences, and fam- ines that were to deluge the earth in the last days, would every one of them be fulfilled. The Book of Mormon is a record of a portion of the House of Israel that inhabited this continent, and the dealings of God with them through his ser- vants the prophets. The Book of Doctrine and Covenants contained many revelations that God gave to his servant Joseph Smith, many of them having been given before the church was organized. What made Joseph Smith what he was, was the power of God, and the Gospel of Jesus Christ. By the power of God this people was enabled to receive the testi- mony of his servants. By his pow- er this people had been gathered to this Territory. The once desert plains we now inhabited had become fruitful. By the power of God we were here living in peace, and had been sustained to bring about his purposes. The word of the Lord had gone forth that he would sus- tain his people who had received the testimony of his servants and keep his commandments. If the Lord had not kept his promise we should long since have been scat- tered before our enemies. Let us be encouraged and pray for his holy spirit to be with us, that we might keep his commandments, for Zion must be built up. The unbelief of the world would not prevent the fulfilment of prophecy, and unless the people of this continent repent- ed of their sins, believed on Jesus Christ and were baptized for the remission of their sins, they would be visited by the judgments of God, according to the predictions of St. John.


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Oct 6, 1876