Letter from Brigham Young, 12 June 1877
Elder Wilford Woodruff,
St George
Dear Brother:
Your favors, of May 5th
and June 1st with the accompanying reports, of
the work done in the Temple during the months
of April and May, came duly to hand; we were
much interested in their perusal, and were happy
to hear the cheering news they contained. We
were especially glad to learn of your restoration
to health, and hope that you will take that
care of yourself that your still delicate con-
dition requires. For myself, I must acknowledge,
in my anxiety to see the House of God set in
order, that I have somewhat overtaxed my
strength. There is nothing materially the matter
with me, but a little more rest, and a little
less talking would help me considerably; these
favors I apprehend are at present out of the
question. The constant calls of visitors at the