March 1, 1878 This is the 71 Annaversary
of my birth day. See March 1, 1877
One year ago today I spent in this
St Georg Temple and 154 sisters
went into the Temple and got Endowments for my ^dead^. To day 214
came into the Temple and got Endowment 167 were for my
Dead, 56 Men and 111 Females. I ordaind 56 Elders
for the dead. I took through the vail 70 persons, I sealed 3 c[ouples]
McA 24 total 27. 11 children were sealed to parents W W
gave 3 seconed Anointings, McAllister 1.
Mary Crock dead was sealed to Wilford Woodruff
Allice Jeffrey Pendleton Acting for Mary Crook
March 1, 1878
Thomas Alfred Jeffrey, Mary Ann Hibbitt Jeffrey,
Allice Jeffrey Pendleton, John Jeffrey (dead) Jane Jeffrey
Green (dead) all Adopted to Wilford Woodruff, and Mary
Crock Woodruff. we had a vary interesting day the spirit
of the Lord reigned in the House. I spent the Evening in company
with Brothers J. D. T. McAllister, Bleake & Nixon, and had
a pleasant Evening
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