20. I took cars with the Twelve rode to Ogden 40 M[iles]
I was nearly sick all night Met in the Tabernacle
for a 2 days Meeting. W Woodruff prayed
A few brief remarks from President Peery
were maid then the reports of the stake were read
Afternoon C W Layton Prayed Then the reports
of the Bishops continued & the statisics of the stake
read sabbath and day schools reported
W Woodruff addressed the Meeting followed By
J. F. Smith 67 Minuts on the Life & Example of
his Mother in paying Tithing and its Results Also
spoke upon the Election of man to hold office, and
said if a man was to be excluded from Holding
office because he was an Apostle so should Every
other officer down to the Deacon
Met in council in the Evening at F. D. Richards
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