Day in the Life

Apr 21, 1879

Journal Entry

April 21, 1879 ~ Monday

21 We drove through some of the finest Pine country I
ever saw in my life we saw 10 Antilope to day camped
for the night at the Flag Staff springs Altitude 7575. 16 M[iles]


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Discourse 1879-04-21
No. 16, Vol. XLI. Monday, . Price One Penny. EPISTLE OF ELDER WILFORD WOODRUFF, ONE OF THE TWELVE APOSTLES. To the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and to all the world, Greeting: I feel desirous to once more, while in the flesh, by the word of God and testimony of Jesus Christ, bear my testimony unto you, as the Church and kingdom of God, established on the earth by the God of heaven in this last dispensation and fullness of times. I also wish to bear my testimony to all nations under heaven, emperors, kings, presidents, statesmen, govern- ors, judges, all rulers, and the ruled who dwell upon the face of the whole earth. My testimony is this unto all men and nations, that you live in the day and hour of the judgments of God Almighty. You live in the day and generation when the God of Israel has set his hand to perform his work, his strange work in the latter days. You live in the age in which God will bring to pass the fulfillment of that word of prophecy and prediction which has been spoken by all the prophets since the world began, which stands recorded in the sacred books of divine truth, and the fulfillment of these revelations will involve the destiny of the whole world, Jew and Gentile, rich and poor, high and low, saint and sinner, Babylon and Zion. There- fore prepare yourselves, O ye inhabi- tants of the earth, for the hour of God's judgment is at the door. As it was in the days of Noah and of Lot, so shall it be in the day of the coming of the Son of Man. I address myself just to the Saints of God, who have entered into cove- nant with the Lord, and been ordained unto the holy priesthood: If you are living your religion, and enjoy the spirit of inspiration, which is your duty, you know as God lives that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God, that he received the administration of angels, that he brought forth the Book of Mormon, and translated it by the power of God. You know he received the fullness of the everlast- ing Gospel, and the holy priesthood and apostleship, and the keys thereof, and that he organized the Church of Christ, "the only true and living Church upon the face of the whole earth," with its gifts and graces, with which the Lord is "well pleased." [Doctrine and Covenants 1:30]
Daybook (28 February - 23 October 1879)
21. We drove through the finest pine country I ever saw in my life we saw 10 Antilope we camped at Night at Flag Staff springs 16 M[iles] Altitude 7575


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Apr 21, 1879