I wrote 5 letters to Sarah, Sylvia Newton Mary, Thompson
John W. Young wife & 2 children arived to day & Mortenson for a load of flour
This is continued in the next Journal
A Synopsis of Wilford Woodruffs Travels
and labors taken from his Journals by
Himself from 1834 to 1878 inclusive
Making (44) Forty Four years, of Labor
in the Ministry as a Member of the Church
of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints
This does not include any of the year
1879. Neither does it report the dedica-
tions recorded in the Begining of this
Journal. If any Historian wishes to
record or publish this synopsis of my
Labor, He will have to Blend the two accounts
Together the forepart of this Journal as
well as this Account iand add the labor
of 1879.
It may be thought strange why a man
of as busy a life as I have lead, should spend
as much time as I have in Journalizing
I have been inspired and required of
the Lord to do it. There is no portion of
my time do I consider any better spent
than in Journalizing, and writing History
and keeping an Account of the dealings
of God with the Latter Day Saints
Wilford Woodruff
See first Page
I travelled during this Period as my
Journals will show (1220,905) One hunded
and Twenty Thousand Nene hundrd & 5 Miles
I held 3298 Meetings
I Preached 2633 discoursed
I Attended 103 Conferences abroad
I Attended 67 Semi Annual Conferences
I Attended 296 Councils with the Presidency & 12
I Attended 30 Meetings of the High Council
I Attended 130 Meetings of the Elders Quorum
I Attended 800 Meetings of the Prayer Circle
with the First Presidency and Twelve Apostles
I Attended 305 Meetings of my own prayer circle
I Esstablished 77 Preaching Places
I Organized 51 Branches of the Church abroad
I Added to the Church 1800 souls in seven
Month Labor in the South of England in 1840,
among whom were 200 preachers of the various
sects of the day, 50 of which belonged to the United Brethren
I ordained Priests and Elder to Baptize
I ownly Baptized 1039.
I Confirmed 3328 Assisted in confirming 4499 others
I Ordained 12 Patriarch, 73 High Priest
21 High Council 19 Bishops
I Ordained 47 Seventies, 660 Elders
444 Priests, 64 Teachers and 13 Deacons
I Assisted in Ordaining while others
were Mouth, 82 Patriarchs, 7 High Priests
67 High Council, 4349 Elders Living
and 4932 for the dead
I administereed to the sick to 817 laby the
the laying on of Hands many of which
were healed by the power of God
I Blessed 175 Children
I set apart and Blessed 916 Missionaries
And assisted in setting apart while
others were Mouth 4131.
I spent 603 ^days^ in the Endowment House S L City
and A portion of 2 years in St Georg Temple
In giving Endow[me]nt. There were Baptized
during this ^time^ for the Dead in the 2 places 84282
The same number confirmed
We gave Endowments for the living and the Dead
during this time to 400411 person for living & Dead
I sealed at the Alter 11388 ^couple^. Others sealed
during the same time 21991 couple most of which
I was a witness to this includes Both the living
and the Dead
I was sealed at the Altar for 325 couple of Dead Friends
I was Baptized for 443 Dead friends. This in conn-
extion with the rest of my family wer Baptized for
19032705 ^2705^ of the Woodruff Thompson and hart family
In the Baptismal font in Temple Block Salt Lake City ^And St George Temple^ in two days
I got Endowm[en]ts for 1200639 ^1639^ of my dead
Friend in St George Temple during the years 1877 & [187]8 & [187]9
This was through the Assistance of my friends
I had 42 Men Adopted into my family And I was
Adopted to my Father Aphek Woodruff
I Administered in Adopting ^or sealing children to parents^ 72 Parents to others
I Assisted others in Adopting 92 persons men to Men
I Adopted 4 Persons to others
I Assisted others in ^sealing^ 1004 children to Parents
I had 154 dead women who died single sealed to me
mostly of the Woodruff and Hart family this included
the year 1878, And on the 29, Jan 1879 I had
39 Dead single women of the Heart family sealed
to me And on the 1st day of March 1879 I had 74 single
dead women sealed to me Total dead single women sealed 267
I Gave second Anointing to 470 persons and assisted
Others in giving Second Anointing to 590 persons
I received Second Anointing for my Father Aphek
Woodruff, And My uncle Ozem Woodruff and the
Prophet Robert Mason. My Daughter Phebe A W Snow was
Anointed for Bulah Azubah and Hannah Woodruff, and 3 wives of
Robert Mason On the 9th April 1877
Ezra Carter Jr, And Sarah Fabyan Carter,
Ozen Woodruff, Acksa Merril, and Hannah Hart
Woodruff, And Robert Mason and 3 wives
were all Adopted to Wilford Woodruff sen and
Phebe Carter Whitmore Woodruff On the 13 day of Arail 1877
On the 10 of April 1877
Samuel B. Hardy, and wife and Josiah Hardy
and wife, were Adopted to Wilford Woodruff
the first person Ever Adopted to me on Earth
I Organized 16 Branches of the United Order
I held 21 Meetings with the United Order
I Preached 38 Funeral Sermons
I Attended 24 Meetings of the school of the Prophets
I Assisted in confirming or setting Apart
27 Midwives for service in Utah
I was Elected A Member of the Legislature
of the Territory of Utah for 22 years I served
as A Member of the Council 21 years and spent
783 days in the Legislator
I officiated two years as a Member of the
board of Directors of Z.C.M.I
I Officiated as President of the Deseret
Agricultural & Manufacturing Society for
14 years and Attended to the business of the same
I wrote 3031 Letters, And received 2217 Letters
I reported and recorded in my Journals
30 of Joseph Smiths sermons
And 81 sermon of Brigham Young & of the Twelve Apostles
In addition to the dedications recorded in
the forepart of this Journal I dedicated
the Cornor Stone of Z.C.M.I. Store Nov 25 1875
I dedicated the Relief Society House
in the 2nd ward Feb 28 1875.
I dedicated the Z.C.M.I. Store after it was
finished March 13, 1876
I dedicated Mill Creek ward Meeting
House May 21, 1876
I dedicated the St George Temple under
the Direction of President Brigham Young
in connexction with Erastus Snow
and Brigham Young Jr, Jan 1, 1877.
I Attended the Dedication of Laying the Cornor
Stone of Logan Temple ^sept^ 17 1877.
The Twelve Apostles laid the South East Cornor
Bishop & Council the South West Cornor
The High Priest the North West Cornor
The Seventies & Elders the North East Cornor
I Paid Tithing $3216.60 cts
The number of my friends Baptized for who was
dead to the End of 1878 were 2705, of this
Number there were of the Woodruff family
152 Males, 201 Females Total 352
The Hart family Males 614 Females 621 Total 1235
Of the Thompson family Males 10 Female 18 Total 28
Of the Carter Family Males 3, Femals 2 total 5.
This leaves 1084 of other names who have been
Baptized for Mostly Friends married into the Woodruff
and Hart Families
1639 Of the above persons have received their
Endowm[en]ts in the Temple at St George
This leaves 1064 to get Endow[me]nts
Jan 1, 1886 Wilford Woodruff had Baptized
for his Dead friends up to this date, 3188 for
the Woodruff, Hart & Thompson family, And had
Endowm[en]ts for 2518 Dead friends and had
427 more Dead friends to be Endowed for
According to his record, He had 336 dead
single women sealed to him He was sealed
at the Altar for 1171 couple of Dead friends
up to 1886.
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It may be thought strange why a man of as busy a life as I have lead, should spend as much time as I have in Journalizing I have been inspired and required of the Lord to do it. There is no portion of my time do I consider any better spent time than in Journalizing, and writing History and keeping an Account of the dealings of God with the Latter Day Saints
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