Day in the Life

Apr 11, 1880

Journal Entry

April 11, 1880 ~ Sunday

11 Sunday took cars to Ogden with the Brethren met with
the Stake Organization of the Young Men 40 Miles

Prayer by L. Farr reports of the various wards read W Woodruff
spoke 30 M[inutes]. Afternoon John Henry Smith Prayed after which
the officers of the institution was presented and sustained. Joseph
A West
superintendent, Lester A. Herrick & Charles C Richards
councillors Zechariah Ballantine corresponding secretary
Edward H Anderson Recording secretary John L Willson Treasurer
Moses Thatcher spoke 43 M[inutes] Joseph F Smith 50 M[inutes]. Junius Wells 15
Joseph A West 12 M[inutes] I held a Meeting in the Evening 2 ward
and spoke an hour on my Lamanite Mission


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Smith, John Henry
18 Sep 1848 - 13 Oct 1911
297 mentions
West, Joseph Alva
12 Sep 1851 - 17 Apr 1926
22 mentions
Smith, Joseph Fielding
13 Nov 1838 - 19 Nov 1918
4128 mentions
Wells, Junius Free
1 Jun 1854 - 15 Apr 1930
Farr, Lorin
25 Jul 1820 - 12 Jan 1909
440 mentions


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Discourse 1880-04-11
ELDER WILFORD WOODRUFF then took the stand, to make a few remarks concerning the work of mutual improvement. He looks for- ward to great and important results to be derived from these organisa- tions in which the Lord has a hand. Great responsibilities are resting up- on the young men of Israel; they will have to take the kingdom of God on their shoulders and bear it off. Hence they ought to lay to heart the grandeur of their future destiny. The literary publication of this so- ciety, the Contributor, edited by Elder Junius F. Wells, is a good paper, ad- vancing correct principles. The speaker then contempates the ne- cessity imposed upon each and every one of us to maintain his own iden- tity among the immense number of human creations, the 1,400,000,000 constituting mankind. No man should try to imitate any other, but maintain his own identity. All the Twelve have each his own original life. So every one else should do. Treasure up knowledge and informa- tion, obtain revelations and divine principles to guide you through life. Be careful in not contracting any evil habits, as it is so hard to get rid of them. Take good, wholesome, godly reading and eschew the evil influence of the falsehoods and sick- ly imaginations contained in those imported story papers, novels and similar enervating stuff which leads the minds astray and fills them with incorrect, unrighteous impressions. Let us read history, learn of things and events that are true and real; but especially devote some portion of our time in reading the revelations of the Lord, so as to be armed with the principles of righteousness. A useful study are the lectures of rhetoric by Prof. Blair of the Edin- burg University, full of learning and erudition, still, if our elders are filled with the spirit of the Lord, they will speak to interest all mankind, we think, even possessing all those rules of oratory. Above all these things let us obtain revelations, the princi- ples of the Almighty. In our church every man is a priest, a prerogative denied all other generations of man- kind to this extent. Every man has some influence, especially the Lat- ter-day Saints, and as far as we live our religion, the blessing of the Lord will attend us. The speaker is anx- ious to see all the young members become and remain righteous, virtu- ous, true, temperate. Whenever he feels moved upon by the spirit of God to contemplate the great task before us, he sees how the whole spirit world, all the holy men who ever dwelt in the flesh, are over us, witnessing our doings and are lean- ing on us. Great works are required from us; so to build temples where to receive sacred ordinances. Unfor- tunately, some of our elders are dis- regarding the word of wisdom, and addict themselves to strong drink which places them in an unpleasant light before their heavenly Father. We want to so inculcate such principles in our families that we can be blessed by reuniting with them in the morn- ing of resurrection. We must pre- pare ourselves to be strong enough in the impending day of judgment when God will pour out the full measure of His wrath over the wick- ed. The speaker closed by praying the Lord to help all of us to lead lives worth of eternal reward in His holy presence Amen
Daybook (24 October 1879 - 31 January 1881)
11 Sunday took cars to Ogden with the Brethren, Met with the Stake organization of the Young Mens Mutual Improvement Association prayer by L Farr reports of the various Wards read W Woodruff spoke 30 Minutes Afternoon John Henry Smith prayed After which the officers of the Institution was presented and sustained Joseph A West superintendent, Lester A Herrick & Charles C Richards counsellors Zechariah Ballantine corresponding secretary Edward H Anderson Rec[ording] secretary
Daybook (24 October 1879 - 31 January 1881)
John L Wilson Treasurer Moses Thatcher spoke 43 minutes J F Smith 50 Junius Wells 15, Joseph A West 12. I held a Meeting in the ^Evening^ 2nd ward and spoke one hour on my Lamanite Mission


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Apr 11, 1880