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Day in the Life

May 27, 1880

Journal Entry

May 27, 1880 ~ Thursday

27 [FIGURES] I finished my last will & testiment & got it signed today
I wrote 7 Letters to McAllister, Bleak, Farnsworth, Wm
H Fulsome
asked for the Plan of the Tower to St George Temple wrote
to A M Tenney to John W Young and sent the orders to those who
had Paid Tithing wrote to George Q Cannon


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Tenney, Ammon Meshach
16 Nov 1844 - 28 Oct 1925
239 mentions
1966 mentions
Bleak, James Godson
15 Nov 1829 - 30 Jan 1918
448 mentions
McAllister, John Daniel Thompson
19 Feb 1827 - 21 Jan 1910
596 mentions
Young, John Willard
1 Oct 1844 - 11 Feb 1924
299 mentions
Farnsworth, Moses Franklin
5 Feb 1834 - 25 Feb 1906
155 mentions
Folsom, William Harrison
25 Mar 1815 - 19 Mar 1901
76 mentions


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Letter to Ammon Meshach Tenney, 27 May 1880
Ammon M. Tenney St. Johns, Apache Co., Arizona Dear Bro. I have consulted with lawyers and friends about entering the St. Johns purchase and after getting all the information we can, we have come to the conclusion that the safest, best and cheapest way is to enter the land by quarter sections. It is very difficult to enter a townsite and we have to pay a good deal more to the Government and it takes all together too long to home- stead. If you have not used your entry right, I would like you to enter the Quarter which is of the most value and then put trusty men to enter the rest. Those who enter will have to claim a house or shanty of some kind, until they pay for it, and get a Government title before they can deed to others. You will want to find out the sections, stakes, half sections and quarter sections, so as not to make any mistakes about the land you enter. All persons will have to go to Prescott to enter the land. You will want to learn the Township, Range Plot Section, so as not to make a mistake in the entry. I enclose a letter to J. W. Young, which I will not seal for I have an order in it for several persons who paid tithing to J. W. Young, and they may be with you, some of them. I want you to see that they have credit on the tith- ing books, of whatever ward they may be in, as I do not know where John W. is, I trust to you to send the letter to him. I wish now to say that we decided in Council last night to send David Udell -[ David K. Udall ]- to preside as Bishop at St. Johns., L. John Nuttall will notify him. I have tried ever since I came, to get him appointed as Bishop of that place, but I did not get it accomplished until last night. I shall be glad to hear from you from time to time to know how you progress. My love to your family and all the Saints with you and please excuse a short letter now. Your brother in the Gospel W. Woodruff
Daybook (October 24 1879 - January 31 1881)
May 27, 1880 [FIGURES] I finished my Last Will & Testament & got it signed to day I also wrote 7 Letters to J. D. T. McAllister J G Bleak M. F Farnsworth. Wm Fulsome asked for the plan for the tower of St George Temple I also wrote to A M Tenney to enter St John by Quarter Sexion [section], I wrote to J W Young sent orders to those who paid him Tithing spoke of [walkers alturn]. I wrote G Q Cannon


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May 27, 1880