Day in the Life

May 28, 1880

Journal Entry

May 28, 1880 ~ Friday

28 In company with Mrs P. W. Woodruff & G Teasdale I took cars
rode to Provo & met with the releaf society at 2 oclok Margarett T.
Priesiding Prayer By G Teasdale W Woodruff spok one hour
G Teasdale 15 M[inutes]. There was a silk Meeting in the Evening I did
not attend we spent the night at Br Smoots 50 Miles


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Smoot, Abraham Owen
17 Feb 1815 - 6 Mar 1895
584 mentions
1835 Southern Convert
Teasdale, George
8 Dec 1831 - 9 Jun 1907
706 mentions
Apostle, Missionary
94 mentions
1835 Southern Convert
Woodruff, Phebe Whittemore Carter
8 Mar 1807 - 10 Nov 1885
1581 mentions


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Discourse 1880-05-28
After the opening exer- cises, the president said we will now hear from Brother Woodruff. "My sisters and moth- ers in Zion—I am glad to meet with you to-day. The Relief Society was organized by Joseph Smith by revelation, and has for its object the building up of the Kingdom of God. It does not all depend upon the Elders of Israel by any means. You are like ministering angels; you are aids to the bishops, and a great many worthy people would suffer were it not for these organ- izations. The responsibilities of building up this Kingdom rests alike upon the man and the woman. While the Elders are among the na- tions preaching the Gospel, the mothers have the guidance of the children. When I contemplate the positions of you mothers in bearing the souls of men, and your future destiny, it is far beyond the honors conferred upon the queens of the earth, who are looked upon with honor. When they die there is an end of their glory. Your promise is eternal. You cannot know the result of your labors until you pass behind the vail. You have no thrones here, but when you have faithfully performed the work you were ordained to do on this earth, your exaltation will be eter- nal, you will inherit kingdoms forever. It is only a step to the other side, it is like passing from one door to another, and what little time you remain here do all the good you can, train your children aright, teach them the principles of life and salvation, try to stem the tide of evil that is gaining a foothold among our young peo- ple, teach your children to honor the principles of marriage as revealed through the Prophet Joseph, without this order of marriage we cannot be exalted; instill these eternal principles in the minds of the rising generation, that they may control their actions through life. Let me say to the sisters of Zion, we cannot do without your assistance in accomplishing this great work, our sons and daughters are to bear off this kingdom, and it devolves upon the mothers to prepare them for the "work before them." The speaker said he had never been at home but one summer in his life, of course the training of children was entirely out of the question. One of his children was over a year old before he saw him. "Be faithful my sisters, that when the trump shall sound, we may come forth and inherit eternal lives."
Daybook (24 October 1879 - 31 January 1881)
28. In company with Mrs. W & G Teasdale I took cars rode to provo I met with the Female relief society of provo at 2 oclok Margarett T Smoot presiding prayer By G Teasdale W Woodruff spoke one hour G Teasdale 15 M[inutes]. There was a silk Meeting in the evening I did not attend We spent the night at Sister Smoots 50 Miles


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May 28, 1880