April 6 1881 Met in conference at 10 oclok prayer By Wm B Preston
Wm Budge spoke 16 M. The Primary Associatedion was
then represented The means Appropriated as the Jubille
fund was then presented the Church had been promp
in paying all they agreed to The Emigration fund was then
reported $800000 hab [had] been remitted to the poor of that
fund Afternoon prayer By B Yo[u]ng The Conference has been
a vary interesting one in many respects Joseph F Smith spoke 15
List of Missionaries was then called and presented to the conf[ere]nce
for Europe the U. S. & Arizonia. J Taylor spoke 38 M.
Wm Jennings & Wm H Hooper was added to the Aud[it]ing Comitte
We held a Meeting in the Evening with the Seventies 76 quorums
were represented H S Eldridge & John Vancott spoke
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