Day in the Life

Apr 30, 1881

Journal Entry

April 30, 1881 ~ Saturday

30. I rode to Logan & Back Distance of the day 16 M.
Met in conference at 10 oclok Prayer By W Woodruff
The Statistics of the stake were read Total souls of the stake
15,046 Total contributions of the Logan Temple $303,285
Contruibution of the Trustee in trust up to date $80113.80 cts
E. D. Woolly spoke 12 M[inutes]. Eight Bishops then mad Report
vorbally President Taylor spoke 10 M. Afternoon J F Smith prayed
Temple report was then read W. Woodruff spok 36 Min
F. D. Richards 40 M L Snow 35 M At the close of the
Meeting we all went to the top of the Temple Roof and had
a view of the surrounding country then returned to Smithfield


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Woolley, Edwin Dilworth
28 Jun 1807 - 14 Oct 1881
125 mentions
Richards, Franklin Dewey
2 Apr 1821 - 9 Dec 1899
816 mentions
Taylor, John, b. 1808
1 Nov 1808 - 25 Jul 1887
1962 mentions
Smith, Joseph Fielding
13 Nov 1838 - 19 Nov 1918
4135 mentions
Snow, Lorenzo
3 Apr 1814 - 10 Oct 1901
703 mentions
Apostle, Family


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Discourse 1881-04-30
Pres. Wilford Woodruff, addressed the Saints and remarked that if he had all the elders Isreal before him this afternoon he would like to speak to them a short time and it would be that when they get up to speak to cease making excuses, he was displeased to hear such things, he like to hear a man get up and speak to say what he has to say to say it without making excuses when the elders stand up to teach should do so by the aid and insperation of the Holy Ghost, min^ester^ and Law^yers^ are trained to speak. He spoke of the stamina that is required to receive and live up to the truth, because of the unpopularity of the gospel, the world hates the Saints as it did Jesus when he was on the earth. The world deride the Saints because they are outspoken against wickedness and coruption. The Lord had gathered up a people to serve him, and to assist in the building up of the Kingdom of God. The world has become infidel and becoming more so continually. The Christianity of the day in conection with its mini- esters have done more to cause infidelity than all the writings of Professed Infidels put togeather, he refered to the great evils that exists in the world. The Lord will hold a great account against the elders of this generation, because of the great intelligence God has revealed to us. The heavens are watching over us, and all good men beyond the evils are soluictious for our welfair, and are anxious that we shal prevail against all the evils that are brought to bear against us. He spoke of the permenancy of this work because it was of and from God, if it was of man it could be easily prevailed against, let the Saints then do their duty, and make our probation effectual, we lived before we came here in the presence of Heavenly Father & Mother. It would not now pay to apostatise from the Truth, urged the completion of the Temple that we may redeem the living and the dead, for God, requires this at our hands. The world wonder and gaze at the elders and this people they wonder more if God has a hand in it than he has not, he bore a faithful testimony to the truth of this world, and assisted the triumph of this people, and Kingdom, and referred to the many who have come to an Ignominious end who have fought against this people, he exorted the Saints to be faithful to the end, and be saved in the Kingdom of God, and implored the blessings of God upon the Saints.


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Apostles wash feet against enemies as directed in Wilford's Wilderness Revelation.

Apr 30, 1881