Day in the Life

Nov 26, 1881

Journal Entry

November 26, 1881 ~ Saturday

26. we held a Meeting at Richfield at 10 oclok Bishop Horn
Prayed. Statiscical report read. The Bishops then made
report of their wards F D Richards then spoke 53 M
Afternoon W Woodruff spoke 53 M, John Taylor 60 Minutes **


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Richards, Franklin Dewey
2 Apr 1821 - 9 Dec 1899
819 mentions
Taylor, John, b. 1808
1 Nov 1808 - 25 Jul 1887
1964 mentions
Horne, Joseph
17 Jan 1812 - 27 Apr 1897


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Discourse 1881-11-26
Bro Woodruff addressed the meet- ing at considerable length on the responsibilities and privileges of the Priesthood.
Discourse 1881-11-26
Bro Woodruff. Noticed an increase in numbers here which was a good sign of improvement. He read from Book of Doc & Cov.—Blessings come thru obedience to the law on which it is predicated [Doctrine and Covenants 130:21], he followed up the rem- arks of Bro Richards on the law of tithing; we could not obtain membership in the Church of Christ without obeying the gospel or law on which it is based, we have been gathered here by the power of the Holy Ghost. All have had the law of tithing from Adam down. Fruit has been abundant the past year Wheat is 20% greater yield, we have seen it north and South if we obey this law blessings are promised unto us. We dont build the Temples for the benefit of our Heavenly Father the world is ignorant of the Order of God's House. In 1847 we found a barren desert inhabited by Indians & crickets. He spoke of the United Order and the doings of the people at Sunset &c made his home there for 9 months heard no disputes no swearing. Joseph Smith received the keys of this kingdom & although he left them on earth, he also took them to the spirit world. Our destiny is to go there after death and be exercised in the calling of the Holy Priesthood. You will never be less. Isaiah saw Zion in her captivity. He also saw her as she is. I am with you in your midst said Christ, your advocate with the Father [Doctrine and Covenants 29:5]. He wanted to encour- age the Latter Day Saints, none of us will tarry beyond the time appointed but we have a warfare here, all are at war against us. Because we are cal- led out of the world therefore the world hates us. we must Educate our chil- dren and we are under condemnation if we send our children to outsiders The Spirit of God moved Martin Luther to pave the way for the Gospel. He also inspired Columbus and the Pilgrim Fathers. We all hold the keys of our Dead. The roof is on the Logan Temple, all the Temples doing very well. It takes as much to save a dead person as a living one. You can save many by obeying the commandments of God. Husbands be kind to your wives, and wives to your husbands and parents to your children. Dont quarrel with one another over water when we agree there will be enough for all. Emigration born is greater than Emigration from abroad. He prayed that the spirit of the Lord might rest upon the congregation.


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Nov 26, 1881