Day in the Life

Jan 31, 1882

Journal Entry

January 31, 1882 ~ Tuesday

31 A hand pointing to the right I am some better this morning but still have a severe cold
I wrote 2 letter to Lot Smith & Sister Johnson I spent the
day in the office writing


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Smith, Lot
15 May 1830 - 21 Jun 1892
365 mentions


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Letter to Lot Smith, 31 January 1882
Salt Lake City Prest Lot Smith Dear Brother Your letter of Jan 12 arived all safe and I was truly glad to hear from you, but certainly sorry for your serious affliction I did ^not^ nknow how it happened befor and now I do not ^know^ what part of the Machinery your leg got into, but it certainly is a serious affliction I do not know how you are Doctoring your leg But I want to recommend a remedy which I wish you to try, for it saved my life and was given me by Revelation I was seriously poisioned through my whole system by being cut while skining an Ox that died with piosen. I drew the poision out of my body with my arm by Onions &c untill my arm was all inflamed and liable to go to my Vitals & Kill me And


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Sixth Constitutional Convention for Utah held; Congress rejects petition for statehood on February 23, 1883.

Jan 31, 1882