20 I returned from the farm I spent the day at the office. I met
a short time Iwith Sister E. rR Snow, Horn, King & others concerning
the young People' Association I spent the Evening at President
Taylors office upon the subject of Petitioning Congress
not to Enter into hasty Legislation again[s]t Utah upon
the flood of lies that is now delugeing the whole land ag[ain]st
the Saints of God There never has been such a universal
cry and howl against the Saints of God through out the whole
Nation as there is at the Present time by Priests and people
urging Congress to take away our rights of citizenship
and Congress are now passing Laws against us and we
now have to make our last appeal to the God of heaven
we had reports read from the relief society young Mens
And young Ladies Mutual Improvement Association And
it was recommended to get up a petition from the Men & women
of Utah two Men were apointed to go to UWashington & Meet
with Br Cannon M. Thatcher & John Henry Smith was apointed
to this Mission we left about 9 oclok
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