9. Sunday Met at 10 oclok Prayer By Joseph E Taylor
Authorities of the Church were then Presented and a list
of Missionaries called J F Smith spoke 60 Minutes
Afternoon prayer By E Snow. President Taylor
spoke two hours & 13 Minutes A reporter from New
Yourk world was present and corresspondent of the
London Times President Taylor spoke vary plain
and pointed upon our determination to keep the comm-
andments of God and obey the Constitutional Laws of
the Land. hI met with the Twelve and yound Men
& young Ladies Mutual Improvement Association
in the Assembly Hall at 7 oclok in the Evening and
we had a crouded House And speeches was mad[e]
By 10 of the young Men superintendents of the young Men
and 4 young Ladies followed By W Woodruff M Thatcher
& Joseph F Smith and John Henry Smith
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