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Day in the Life

Jun 17, 1882

Journal Entry

June 17, 1882 ~ Saturday

17. [FIGURES] The opening of Liberty Park was Performed this
day in the Park the Procession formed at the City Hall wdrove to the
Park speeches Mayde By T B Lewis, Been Sheets, D H Well E H Murray

Gen McDowell McCook, W Woodruff & Mayor Jenning
In the Evening the company went west to Garfield & took supper
I went to the field and assisted Henry Woodruff load up Betsey
things and in the Morning of the 18 he started to take
her back to North Ogden


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal.

Alvord, Betsey Cossett
19 Jan 1806 - 5 Feb 1884
99 mentions
Wells, Daniel Hanmer
27 Oct 1814 - 24 Mar 1891
773 mentions
18 mentions
Woodruff, Henry Azmon
20 May 1855 - 2 Feb 1939
136 mentions
Jennings, William
13 Sep 1823 - 4 Jan 1886
39 mentions

Jun 17, 1882