Day in the Life

Jan 20, 1883

Journal Entry

January 20, 1883 ~ Saturday

20 We took cars rode to Ogden when we left Salt Lake
the Thermometer at the coldest point was 24 degrees
below zero ° at Ogden was 28 below at Humbolt wells was
said to Be 45 degrees below zero the River froze over 2 feet thick
we met for a 2 days Meeting at 10 oclok Prayer By Joseph Standford
The Bishops reported their wards. Afternoon Prayer By W Woodruff
Bishops continued to report 18 out of 19 were reported. we held
a council at Br Richards it was decided to Appoint Br
Bishop Shirtliff A President over the Weber Stake of Zion
and C F Middleton first councillor and N C Flygare
seconed councillor. Br Monch reported the day school inter[est]
Richard Balantyne reported the Sabbath scholes

F M. Lyman spoke 30 M[inutes]. I spent the night at Br Herricks
with Br Hammond 40 Miles


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Jan 20, 1883