Jan. .
WE meet with the Saints of the
several Stakes at the Stake Quarter-
ly Conferences for the purpose of
giving instruction which all need
in order to qualify themselves to
magnify their calling as Saints of
God, engaged in establishing and
building up the Church and King-
dom of God. And I will here say,
as I have often said, that all men,
and all women, regardless of the
position they occupy, or the office
they hold, are dependent upon the
Lord for His Spirit to assist them in
their labors.
I made a covenant with the Lord,
years ago, that whatever He would
impress me to say, I would preach
to the people. If we are not able to
speak to your edification, it is not
because there are not truth and
knowledge, principles and laws suf-
ficient within the pale of this
Church, and connected with the
work in which we are engaged. I
look upon the cause of God and the
mission that He has given each of
us connected with it, as requiring
the whole attention, the might,
mind and strength of each one of
us, in order to magnify our calling
and accomplish the work committed
to our hands.
The Lord raised up Joseph Smith
specially to do the work that he per-
formed. He was ordained and ap-
pointed before he was born to come
upon the stage of action in this age
of God's mercy to man, through
the loins of ancient Joseph who was
a descendant of Abraham, Isaac
and Jacob, to lay the foundation of
this great and glorious dispen-
sation—a dispensation that
will be marked and distin-
guished in the annals of human
history for its grand and mighty,
as also its serious and awful events.
The day has already dawned when
the light of heaven is to fill the
earth; the day in which the Lord
has said that nothing should be kept
hidden, whether it be things per-
taining to one God, or many Gods,
or to thrones, principalities or pow-
ers; the day in which everything
that has been kept from the know-
ledge of man ever since the founda-
tion of the earth, must be revealed;
and it is a day in which the ancient
prophets looked forward to with a
great deal of interest and anxiety.
It is a day in which the Gospel is to
be preached to every nation, tongue
and people for a witness of what
shall follow; a day in which the Is-
rael of God who receive it in their
dispersed and scattered condition
are to gather together to the place
appointed of God, the place where
they will perform the "marvelous
work and a wonder" [Isaiah 29:14] spoken of by
the ancients who, in vision, saw our
day; and where they will begin to
inherit the promises made to the
fathers respecting their children.
The work that is to be so marvelous
in the eyes of men has already com-
menced, and is assuming shape and
proportions; but they cannot see it.
It will consist in preaching the Gos-
pel to all the world, gathering the
Saints from the midst of all those
nations who reject it; building up
the Zion of God; establishing per-
manently in the earth His king-
dom; preparing for the work of
the gathering of the Jews and the
events that will follow their settle-
ment in their own lands, and in
preparing for ourselves holy places
in which to stand when
the judgments of God shall
overtake the nations. This is truly
a good work; and it is a marvel
(when we look at it with our
naturral eyes) how this people are
sustained in their faith and hope of
accomplishing it, besides having to
provide for the wants of themselves
and families, which is of itself as
much as most men can accomplish.
We cannot do the work which God
through us intends to have done,
unless we place ourselves under His
care and direction, and take the sen-
timent, "The Kingdom of God, or
nothing," for our motto, as well as
the end and aim of our life. This
we must do to be truly the servants
of God. We cannot serve God and
mamon. We cannot build up the
Kingdom of God and withhold our
hearts from Him. We must either
come under the dominion of God
and be led and directed by Him, or
under the dominion of Satan, and
[b]e ruled over by him. It is for us,
through our faith and works, our
desires and course of life, to choose
which we will take, as we must
take the one side or the other.
Nobody in this world has cause to
rejoice as we have. None have the
encouraging future before them that
we have; for Zion is not to be
moved out of her place, neither is
"the kingdom" to be given to an-
other people. God rules and reigns,
and we are His people, and He is
our God.
This work, this marvelous work
and a wonder, the work that will
eventually fill the whole world—and
neither man nor the devil can pre-
vent it—commenced, as all the
works of our God begin, in a small
way. It was likened by the Savior
to the mustard seed, the smallest of
all seeds, put in the soil, which grew
until the fowls of the air could
lodge in the branches thereof. This
certainly is the characterestic of
this Church and Kingdom, com-
mencing as it did on the 6th day of
April, 1830, with only six members.
But the Lord told Joseph in one of
the revelations that he was laying
the foundation of a great work, how
great he knew not. Joseph was
young at that time, and could not
comprehend fully the nature of the
work which he had been called and
appointed to commence in the earth.
When Joseph presented to the
Christian world the principles that
God had communicated to him, he
at once aroused their prejudices; he
had to struggle against traditions
which they had inherited from their
fathers who knew not God nor His
ways, traditions which had come
down to them through the ages,
which were antagonistic to the sav-
ing truths of heaven. And hence
his life was one continual struggle,
meeting with opposition on every
hand, especially from the priests of
the day; but he lived through it
and rejoiced greatly in his labors un-
til he finished his testimony in the
flesh, after laboring some fourteen
years to that end. He had to wade
through deep waters; but he never
was discouraged or disheartened,
notwithstanding he had to contend
against foes without and foes within.
He never lost sight of the majesty
of his calling, nor the divinity of this
work; but spake and acted in the
midst of the people under all cir-
cumstances the man that he was—
the Prophet of God, the Seer and
Revelator of the last dispensation.
He left us under painful circum-
stances, sealing his testimony with
his blood; but his works follow him.
The Gospel of the Kingdom which
he preached, flourished under the
wise administration of God's ser-
vants who followed him. The Lord
blessed and sustained His Apostles,
and led them to this land, where
the standard of Zion has been
planted, which begins already to
attract the notice of the nations
afar off. And here in this land, not-
withstanding the difficulties we
have had to wrestle with, incident
to settling a new country a thous-
and miles from civilization, having
also to protect ourselves against the
raids of the wild and untutored In-
dians, the Lord has prospered us,
and blessed us on every hand; and
we are to-day a blessed people. Yet
the Christian world is opposed to us,
and the Christians generally hate
us. The Savior himself had the
same spirit and feeling to contend
against. There was no man more
unpopular than He; no man more
persecuted than He. And why? Be-
cause He preached false doctrine?
No. The real reason was, as He
himself declared, because they loved
darkness better than light, because
their deeds were evil. There are
but the two powers, that of God and
that of the devil. There is but the
one true and living God, and He is
our Eternal Father, the creator of
this earth; and He will give it to
His children to inherit.
We are nearing the end of the 6th
thousandth year. We have the
history, or a partial history, of the
dealings of God with the nations
from the day of Father Adam down
as contained in the Bible and the
Book of Mormon, from which we
may learn many valuable lessons.
God has raised up at different ages
certain men to do a certain work, as
He raised up father Abraham. He
was a noble spirit, we are told, be-
fore he left the realms of glory to
come and tabernacle in the flesh.
He had the spirit of the Gods with
him when he was born; and he was
faithful to God, and He had con-
fidence in him; and whatever God
required at his hands, he performed.
So with Enoch. He stood at the
head of the dispensation in which
he lived. He, in the course of time,
some 350 years, built and perfected
the city called Zion. He, however,
met with all kinds of opposition
from the people among whom he
labored; but the power of God was
manifested to such an exten[t] that
his enemies stood and trembled
through fear; and through that
power he was enabled to perform
the mighty work which he and his
people did; it was not because the
devil and his party were any more
kindly disposed towards the Saints
of God, but because they could not
help themselves; and in the wisdom
of God Enoch and his people and
their city were taken away from
the earth.
The devil in different ages has
made war against the Saints
and overcome them; and he has tried
his best to destroy this Church and
Kingdom. As I have said, Joseph
and the first Elders met with the
fiercest kind of opposition; but, with
some exceptions, we have stood it
all, and are the better to-day for
having passed through the fire.
When we went upon our first for-
eign mission, Joseph said to us, "No
matter what may come upon you,
round up your shoulders and bear
it, and always sustain and defend
the interests of the Church and
Kingdom of God. When we took
our departure his demeanor in part-
ing was something that I had never
noticed or experienced before. After
crossing the Mississippi River I
crawled to the side of a house and
lay down upon a side of sole leather,
while suffering from the chills and
fever. While resting there the
Prophet Joseph came along and saw
me. He gave me some parting ad-
vice in answer to some remarks
made, and then told me to get up
and go on, and all would be well
with me. That is the way I parted
with him upon that occasion. From
that day to this I have noticed the
steady growth and increase of this
people. We have nothing else to do
but to build up the Kingdom of God.
If we do this He will keep us and
provide for us. We want to labor
as a body of Priesthood, to enter in-
to the holy of holies; we want to
come before God and pray until we
get the spirit of this work, until we
comprehend our calling before God.
There has never been such a dis-
pensation upon the earth as the
present one. In other dispensations
men had to lay down their lives,
and others to hide up in dens and
caves of the earth, and wander in
sheep skins and goat skins, for the
word of God. We have had a taste
of the same treatment in our day.
And we have also seen days of
poverty. When for instance, we
left to go on our first English mis-
sion, two dollars would have bought
everything I left to feed and clothe
my wife and children. I hardly had a
day's provisions in my house. It was
a good deal so with my brethren;
but we did not stay to nurse our
wives. Those were the days of our
poverty; and we never knew what
it was to be comfortably well off un-
til we came to these valleys of the
mountains. We had a great many
trials in those days o[r] what we call-
ed trials. I want to get this princi-
ple into your minds, that God Al-
mighty is guiding the course of this
Church and Kingdom, and not we;
and He has organized it for this
day and generation and it never will
be rooted out of the earth again.
The Prophet Joseph knew what he
was doing; in fact, he knew much
more than he dared to tell on ac-
count of the prejudice, traditions,
and unbelief of the people. I used
to have peculiar feelings about his
death and the way in which his life
was taken. I felt that if, with the
consent and good feelings of the
brethren that waited on him after
he crossed the river to leave Nauvoo,
Joseph could have had his
desire, he would have pioneered
the way to the Rocky Mountains.
But since then I have been fully
reconciled to the fact that it was ac-
cording to the programme, that it
was required of him, as the head of
this dispensation, that he should
seal his testimony with his blood, [Doctrine and Covenants 136:39]
and go hence to the spirit world,
holding the keys of this dispensa-
tion, to open up the mission that is
now being performed by way of
preaching the Gospel to the "spirits
in prison." But those who shed his
blood, and the people and nation
who sanctioned it in their hearts,
have that to meet, and they can no
more escape the penalty thereof
than they can escape the death of
the body. My views and feelings
in regard to the Twelve and leading
men of this Church have been this,
that when they leave this stage of
action they will be permitted to lie
down in peace surrounded by their
families and friends; and also, that
God will never require them to stain
their hand with the blood of
their fellow men, in order
to protect themselves from violence;
but that the Lord will fight our bat-
tles, and frustrate the measures that
would lead to such an issue. And
the wisdom of this is manifested in
the fact part of our duty is to build
Temples, and officiate in the same;
and this we could not do so accept-
ably to God if our hands were stain-
ed with the blood of our fellowmen,
even in our own defense. Hence I
believe that God will cause the
wicked to slay the wicked; and that
He will cut off our enemies by
judgment from time to time, as it
shall be deemed prudent by Him.
All is peace in Zion, and I thank
God for it. I am reminded of a
saying made by Brother Cannon
upon entering the well furnished
parlor of one of President Merrill's
houses, of Richmond, in Cache
County. "What," he said, "all
this and heaven too?" Yes, God in-
tends to give to His Saints the good
things of the earth, as well as the
blessings of heaven, as they shall
become able to use them properly,
and in his fear.
The Lord intends to build up His
Zion through us His weak and
feeble creatures. He intends to
make Zion strong and powerful in
the earth. He will bless us with
means, and He will put it into our
hearts to build Temples to His
name, in which His Saints may
perform the work that is required at
their hands in redeeming their
Brethren and sisters, you should
live by faith, realizing every day
that all power rests with God, and
that it is through Him that we are
able to live in peace and enjoy
plenty; that it is through Him the
wrath of our enemies is turned aside
from time to time, and that it will
be through Him that the remainder
of their wrath will be restrained
You should enter your secret closets,
and call upon the name of the Lord.
Many of you have learned how to
pray; then fail not to let your
prayers ascend up into the ears of
the God of Sabaoth; and He will
hear you. I think sometimes that
we do not fully comprehend the
power that we have with God in
knowing how to approach Him ac-
ceptably. All that these men hold-
ing the Priesthood, and all that our
sisters need do, is to live near to
God, and call upon Him, pouring out
their soul's desires in behalf of Is-
rael, and their power will be felt,
and their confidence in God will be
strengthened. But the blessings of
heaven can only be obtained and
controlled upon the principles of
righteousness. I have heard the
Prophet Joseph pray when the pow-
er of God rested down upon him,
and all who heard him felt it; and I
have seen his prayers answered in a
marvelous manner almost immedi-
ately. Governor Reynolds on one
occasion employed men to try and
kidnap Joseph, and they almost ac-
complished their designs, but Joseph
had some Gentile friends as well
as his brethren, through whom
he was rescued, and was taken to
Nauvoo and released under a writ of
habeas corpus. But the Governor
continued to harass him with writs,
and was determined to destroy Jos-
eph. Joseph and the Twelve went
before God in prayer, Joseph kneel-
ing before the Lord offered up pray-
er, and asked God to deliver him
from the power of that man.
Among other things he told the
Lord that he was innocent before
Him, and that his heart was heavy
under the persecutions he endured.
In about forty-eight hours from
that time word reached Joseph that
Reynolds had blown his brains out.
Before perpetrating the deed he left
a note on his desk stating, that as
his services were not appreciated by
the people of the State, he took that
course to end his days.
There is another instance that oc-
curs to my mind. A certain man
took a stand against Joseph, and en-
deavored to bring persecution on
him. He went to his God and laid
the matter before Him, asking to
be delivered out of the hands and
power of that wicked man. Joseph
was a Prophet, a Seer, a Revelator.
He was acquainted with God; he
knew the voice of the Spirit when it
spoke to him. After offering up his
prayer, the whispering of the still
small voice came to him saying,
"Wait with patience." The next
day that man was taken sick with
cholera, and died in a few hours
See how quickly the Lord answered
his prayer offered up while a pris-
oner in Liberty Jail. At that time,
Presidents Young, Taylor and sev-
eral of the Twelve were on their way
through Clay County to lay the cor-
ner stones of the Temple, in fulfill-
ment of the revelation given in the Doc-
trine and Covenants, section 118.
Joseph had no sooner called upon
God than he was liberated; and his
prayer answered to the very letter.
The voice of the Spirit again spoke
to him, speaking peace to his soul,
and telling him that his troubles
should be of short duration. It was
but a few days when he had the
pleasure of shaking hands with his
brethren, and enjoying the society
of his family and friends.
Joseph lived to accomplish the work
that was required of him notwith-
standing the persistent and deter-
mined opposition that he had to
contend against. And after his
death the work still went on, God
and His angels all the while guiding
and sustaining by His Spirit the
Prophet Brigham. And He will
continue to sustain His servants;
and through them and His people
Israel He will bring to pass the
greatest and grandest work that the
world has ever known. It is for us to
wake up to a sense of our duty, and
call upon the Lord in humility, and
live near to Him; and our eyes will
be opened, as in the case of the
young man, the servant of the
ancient Prophet Elisha, and we will
see that there are more for us than
against us; and that the element of
opposition tends only to hasten the
fulfiliment of the purposes of God.
Put your trust in God and rely on
His promises, living up to the light
and knowledge you possess; and all
will be well with you whether living
or dying. God bless you, Amen.