Day in the Life

Feb 21, 1883

Journal Entry

February 21, 1883 ~ Wednesday

21 I spent the forenoon writing I attended the council
A hand pointing to the right I wrote 6 Letters to E Snow, L Harris, Arza Hinkley
A F McDonald & Merryman & Ashot two Mohave
Chiefs I also wrote to McAllister I received 3 Letters
A folded letter/box from A. Hinkley L Harris & Merriman & Ashot
see copy Book Keys crossed I attended A meeting 21 ward W W spok 30 M[inutes] J F S 60 m[inutes]


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Hinckley, Arza Erastus
15 Aug 1826 - 18 Feb 1901
Snow, Erastus
9 Nov 1818 - 27 May 1888
697 mentions
McAllister, John Daniel Thompson
19 Feb 1827 - 21 Jan 1910
659 mentions
Smith, Joseph Fielding
13 Nov 1838 - 19 Nov 1918
4128 mentions

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Letter to Alexander Findlay MacDonald, 21 February 1883

Salt Lake City, . Elder A. F. McDonald. Dear Brother—I have received letters from Brothers Hinckley and Harris, concerning settling with the Mojaves, and I understand that Brother Harris will want a team, wagon, plough, and harrow. Can you raise them from tithing in your stake? If so, send me the amount and I will endeavor to get a T. T. order for the same. I would like you to get, say, two families, if you can, in some part of that country, to go with Brother Harris to settle with them, to teach them the Gospel and to farm, and their children to read and write, etc. I would like to have you write to me upon this subject. Tell me what you

Letter to Llewellyn Harris, 21 February 1883

Salt Lake City, . Elder L. Harris. Dear Brother—I have re- ceived your letter and the words of the Chief Merryiman, and I have written to Brother McDonald to try to look up two families somewhere in Arizona, who will go with you. If you know of any family in that country who will take hold with you, use your influence to get them to go with you. I have instructed Brother McDonald to get you a team, wagon, plough, and harrow to help you start at farming with the Mohaves, and we will turn it as tithing. I will write a few lines to Merriman, which I wish you to give him.

Letter to Merryman and Ashot, 21 February 1883

Salt Lake City, . To Merriyman and Ashet, Mohave Chiefs. Dear Friends—I have received your words and had them read to President Taylor, our great chief, and his counsellor, Joseph F. Smith. We all have a desire to do you all the good we can. We will try to grant your request, by having Bro- ther Harris settle with you, and some others if we can get them to go there. We want your children to learn to read and write, and we want you to learn the Gospel and be bap- tized, and join the Latter day- Saints, that you may learn

Letter to Arza Erastus Hinkley, 21 February 1883

Salt Lake City, . Elder Arza ^E.^ Hinckley. Dear Brother—Your letter of Feby. 12 is just received. In reply I will say that I have written to Brother McDonald to see if he can look up two families any where in Arizona who will go with Brother Harris, and also to furnish him with a team, wagon, harrow, and plough out of the tithing of that country, and send me the amount, and the Trustee in Trust, I think, will send an order for the same. I will write a page to Brother Harris and a few words to Merriman. I have stated to Brother McDonald that Bro. Van Cott, Bishop Bringhurst,

Personal - Notebook, 1883-1898

President Taylor sayes when any man transgresses the law of God, He should be notified & brought up Before his Bishop, and if he does not repent fellowship should Be withdrawn from him and He cited to the High Council & cut off A man may be brought before his quorum and fellowship withdrawn from him But the order would be for him to be brought Before his Bishop first A man cannot loose his priesthood untill He is cut off from the Church He may be suspended from officiatig in it It is not wisdom to cut off a man for not Paying tithing at Present

Personal - Notebook, 1883-1898

Joseph F Smith says that some one has written in History that the Melchizidek Priesthood was not revealed unto the Church untill 1831 It should read that it was not called the Melchisiedek the Melchisedek untill 1831. He also says that the section 132 in D&C on plurality of wives instead of reading that it was given in July 12, 1843 it should read it was first written in July 12, 1843 for it was given in 1831. He also said that it had been published through mistake that Nephi instead of Moroni had given the Plates to Joseph Smith while it was Moroni & not Nephi [Joseph Smith—History 1:55-65] 340 Miles from S L C to St George 226 to Milford 120 to St George 226 + [120] = 346

Personal - Notebook, 1883-1898

W Woodruff says that when Joseph Smith the Prophet Receivd the Apostleship with all the keys there off He received all the Melekizedaek Priesthood including the Patriarchal office, and every office which belong to all the offices which belong to the Church and kingdom of God on the Earth. when a Man is ordained to the Apostleship with the keys thereof He is ordained to the Highest Office Ever given to Man on the Earth. W Woodruff also says that Joseph Smith never conveys any Idea that any other Man Except Moroni gave him the Plates containing the Book of Mormon He also says that Joseph Smith declaired

Personal - Notebook, 1883-1898

that the remarks made in the old Edition of the D&C section 119 upon Marriage was Printed By the urgent request of Oliver Cowdery against the wish of Joseph Smith the Prophet, for the Principle upon Celestial Marriage was revealed to Joseph Smith in 1831. But written By Wm Clayton Nov 12 day of Aprail 1843 see Document^ar^y History of the Church, vol 2, 1 1871, page 1508.

Feb 21, 1883