22 Sunday I Attended the sabbath school conference in
the Morning in the Meeting House at 10 oclok prayer By
G Kendal we heard the verball report of the superintendents
W Woodruff spoke 10 M[inutes], J F Smith 45 M. Afternoon
Met at 2 oclok Prayer By R N Alread sacrament
Administered. The Authorities of the Church presented and
sustained W Woodruff spoke 50 M. E Snow spoke 25 M
Evening Meeting Prayer By E Stephenson Joseph F Smith
spoke One hour & 25 M. He spoke upon the Marriage in Cana
at Gallilee He thought Jesus was the Bridegroom and Mary & Martha
the brides He also refered to Luke 10 ch 38 to 42 verse. Also John 11 ch
2 & 5 vers John 12 ch. 3rd vers, John 20 8 to 18. Joseph Smith spoke
upon these passages to show that Mary & Martha manifested much
closer relationship than Merely A Believer which looks consistent
He did not think that Jesus who decended throug poligemous
families from Abraham down & who fulfilled all the Law
even baptism by immersion would have lived and died
without being married. Erastus Snow followed for 15
Minuts & told the congregation what Joseph taught
him upon the subject of Plurality of wives W Woodruff
closed by saying He wished the congregation to remember
the discourse of Joseph F Smith but they need not attempt to
preach the same sermon. They might Also remember the
testimony of Erastus Snow. W Woodruff also said That He
felt to indorse the discourse of Joseph F Smith and would
say that the Law of the Patriarchal Order of Marriage belonged
to this dispensiation and After it was revealed to Joseph
Smith the Prophets and He was commanded to receive
it Had He and the people rejected it The Church & Kingdom
of God given into the Hands of the Saints would not have
advanced any further but would have been taken out of their
Hands and given to another people. It has been said that the
Law upon the patriarchal order of Marriage has caused more
sorrow to the Daughters of Eve than any other Law Ever
revealed to man. If this is the case it is in consequence of
the fals traditions of the children of Men. The Lord
never gave any law to any of the children of men by
keeping of which will give the same Exhaltation & Glory as
the Law of the Patriarchal order of Marriage Also any
People who habide that Law are placed in connexion by
covenant with the God of Heaven in that was that the
Lord is bound By Oath & covenant to proteck them and
from the day that the Apostles & Elders published that Law
to the world with a determination to Maintain it
The Lord has fought our Battles & sustained us other
remarks were made by the speaker At the close of the
Meeting we went to Br Paxman & spent the night
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