Day in the Life

May 2, 1884

Journal Entry

May 02, 1884 ~ Friday

2 A folded letter/box I received 1 Letter I attended the conference in the afternoon
Wm Taylor Prayed. The Elders made a verbal report
B Young spoke 420 M[inutes], W. Woodruff spoke 5 M[inutes], J F Smith
spoke 40 M[inutes]. upon the selling their inherititens [inheritance] W Woodruff
sustained the same I Attended the young Peoples Mutual
Meeting in the Evening superintendents Male
and female made Reports. Authorities of the Institution
were sustained W Woodruff gave the closing address


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Young, Brigham (Jr.)
18 Dec 1836 - 11 Apr 1903
589 mentions
Smith, Joseph Fielding
13 Nov 1838 - 19 Nov 1918
4143 mentions
15 mentions

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Discourse 1884-05-02

President Wilford Woodruff said, that when the saints came here they had their inheritances divided to them, and he did not feel that he had a right to sell to anyone, and he would not lease land for a sa- loon or any immoral purpose. We should maintain our inheritances, for those who are not Saints did not come here to build up Zion.

Discourse 1884-05-02

President Wilford Woodruff was pleased with the interest that was being manifested in these associations. The time in which we were living required that we should prepare and qualify ourselves for the promotion of the cause of Zion, and all such organizations would have this tendency, having been organized under the inspiration of God. He was thankful that he lived in a time and with a peo- ple who believed in and sought for the faith and enjoyed the same that was once delivered to the Saints. Zion was growing and the glory of God would soon begin to rest upon her, and it was important that we laid aside all that was between us and the Almighty. He urged the importance of making full and prompt re- ports, and testified that the interest in these organizations would increase. He also urged the necessity of the young storing their minds with the contents of sacred books and particularly the Doctrine and Covenants.

Daybook (6 December 1883 - 3 May 1884)

May 2nd {shorthand} at 2 c {shorthand} Wm Taylor Reports of Eld[e]rs read Eld[e]rs reported verbally B Yo[un]g sp[o]k[e] 20 M[inutes] 10 J E Taylor gave good co[u]ncil on the sale of property J. F. Smith spok[e] 40 M[inutes] 3 W. W spok[e] 5 M[inutes] Sanford Alread W W ord[ain]ed a 70 & set him ap[ar]t to a mission on the Sandwich Islands May 3rd

Daybook (6 December 1883 - 3 May 1884)

him an Elder D&C sec 18 testify that you have heard my voice sec 50, fear not little flo[c]k you are mine I am in your Midst sect 60 I rule in heaven above & on Earth shake off the Dust of your feet against those who received you not sec. 63. I take whom I will take I utter my voice and it shall be obeyed 17 vers & 32, 54 64:7 vers I forgive sins 64:23, 24 & 25, 34 to 43 If ye Believe me labor while it is called to day


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May 2, 1884