Day in the Life

Mar 1, 1887

Journal Entry

March 01, 1887 ~ Tuesday

A heart with a key inside March 1, 1887
Wilford Woodruff
Is 80 Years old this day
I Thank God for the preservation
of my life unto this day And
fo^r^ what He has Enabled me to
perform in life

March 1. Brother Thompson called for me I rode to St George Administered
to Sister Cottam who was dangerously sick I went to the Temple & spent the
night in a room fitted up for my Benefit 8 Miles


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Cottam, Caroline Smith Charman
11 Oct 1820 - 19 Feb 1890
Thompson, William Henry
1 May 1838 - 3 Apr 1922
264 mentions


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Letter to Emma Smith Woodruff, 1 March 1887
St. George, Utah, My Dear Emma As this is our Birth Day I can say with all my Heart I wish you much joy and as m[an]y Happy birth Days as you Can Desire. As I am 80 years old to day I cannot expect m[an]y more But I am thankful that I have had so long & been enabled to Accomplish as much as I have in Life I will give you a little History of the past few days. I went to At on Saturday Morning went to the pond & got 8 ducks for Th to take home. I spent Sunday in reading & writing till Evening then rode to Arizona as you & I did On Monday I went to the pond to get some Ducks to make a bird pie on my birth day I worked very hard all day & got 11 ducks and went to bed weary got up Tuesdy Morning March 1. rather sore & still spent the day Mostly monday writing untill 5 ocl[oc]k when Br T came after me to go to the Temple to be ready for tomorrow we arrived at 8 oclock found Sister Cottam very Low with Rheumatism in the Heart they thought she was dying Monday night McA & myself called upon them 9 oclock Grand Pa Cottam & all the Children was thar. we administered to her, & I Blessed her but could not tell whether she would live or not I then went to the Temp with McA & Th I was introduced to my upper room fitted up for me like a prince, Nice feather bed, bedstead Chairs, Store Carpet Every thing in Nice order which had been ready 2 weeks but the first time I ha visited it I went to bed at 11 oclok & had a good nights rest on a soft feather bead


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Edmunds-Tucker Act passed by Congress: disincorporated the Church and Perpetual Emigration Fund; authorized confiscation of Church property.

Mar 1, 1887