Day in the Life

Aug 23, 1887

Journal Entry

August 23, 1887 ~ Tuesday

23 I arose at 2 oclok rode to Emmas with Br Bateman
took Breakfast took Emma Nellie & her 2 childn drove to Provo
50 Miles in 5 Hour & 30 Minuts & spent the day Night with Van & Clara 50 Miles


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Beebe, Clara Martisha Woodruff
23 Jul 1868 - 29 Dec 1927
418 mentions
Woodruff, Emma Manella
4 Jul 1860 - 30 Nov 1905
245 mentions
Woodruff, Emma Smith
1 Mar 1838 - 6 Mar 1912
1032 mentions
Beebe, Ovando Collins
14 May 1867 - 27 Dec 1928
194 mentions


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Letter to Francis Asbury Hammond, 23 August 1887
Salt Lake City, U. T. . Prest. F. A. Hammond, Bluff City, San Juan Co., Dear Brother: Four weeks ago to-day the new[s] of President Taylor's death was communicated to the country by newspaper and by telegraph. Brother Brigham Young, one of the Twelve Apostles, had been notified prior to this of the precarious condition [of] President Taylor's health. He expressed great anxiety t[o] Bros. Lyman and J. H. Smith to reach here, and separa[ted] from them with the intention of going through the Navajoe nation and doing what he could towards identifying and having punished the murderers of Br Barton. He felt that this matter should be taken
Daybook (July - November 1887 and April - October 1888)
23 rose 15 to 2 went to Emmas took Breakfast then took cars with Em Nellie 2 children & Bro Bateman at 4{shorthand} rode to provo and at 9{shorthand} travelled 50 Miles in 5 Hour the total 50 Miles I[n] evening rode in the same time with a teem [and unto Mr Evan]
Daybook (July - November 1887 and April - October 1888)
23 Aug paid Bulah Woodruff $21 for [lunch] & illegible I gave Nellie $5 children $2 gave Emma $5 Her sick


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Wilford, as President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, becomes the leader of the Church.

Aug 23, 1887