Day in the Life

Jan 9, 1888

Journal Entry

January 09, 1888 ~ Monday

9 [FIGURES] I signed 10 Recommends I recieved
18 Letters & wrote 8 public & 3 private Letters
I spent the day at Wm V Dougall I
attended the Theater on Saturday Evening and
saw a Man tie himself up into knots
as though He had No bones in his body
He bent backwards and put his head in
the middle of his back & Between his legs He is
the greatest Prodigy I Ever saw in that Line G. Q. C.
J. F. S. and myself attended the Theater to attend the
consort I herd some of the best music of my life


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Cannon, George Quayle
11 Jan 1827 - 12 Apr 1901
2285 mentions
Smith, Joseph Fielding
13 Nov 1838 - 19 Nov 1918
4143 mentions


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Letter to Mary Catherine Lloyd Woodruff, 9 January 1888
Salt Lake U. T. Miss Mary Woodruff My Dear Grand Daughter I write to say that I received your interesting Letter of Jan 5 And in reply will say that I am almost 81 year of age, and I have from 10 to 50 Letters a day upon Church business to get through with read & answer. The Daily Church business that rests upon me requires from 3 to 5 Men a day to transact it. And this puts it out of my power to comply with your request, which I would be glad to do if I could Therefore please Excuse me from attempting it. I am vary much pleased with your writing and think you are doing vary well indeed. I want you to get all the Education you can for it is of far more benefit than wealth


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Jan 9, 1888