Day in the Life

Jan 18, 1888

Journal Entry

January 18, 1888 ~ Wednesday

18 A hand pointing to the right A folded letter/box I signed 44 Recommends I received 27 Letters
25 Pub & 2 Private I wrote 20 Public Letters I wrote

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Letter from Levi W. Jones, 18 January 1888
Cedar City President Woodruff Dear Bro I received your letter of the 10 ult was in Bluff City at the time. Hurried home as fast as possiable arriving here on the 16th inst. And if all is well will be in Salt Lake City on the 7 of Feb. the time appointed [tear in page] start [tear in page] your Bro Lehi W. Jones Francis Webster Act. Bishop
Letter to Francis Asbury Hammond, 18 January 1888
Salt Lake City, . President F. A. Hammond, Bluff City, San Juan Co. Dear Brother: Your very interesting and newsy letter of Jan. 8th came to hand yesterday. I was much pleased to hear of the good feelings manifest among the Saints of your Stake under their present peculiar circumstances. Now that you have Elders Young and Smith with you I sincerely trust that whatever shall be done will be for the welfare of all concerned. You will, of course, have laid before those brethren the advantages of the place for a settlement which you relate in your letter, of which they may be conversant or will go and see so as to learn all the available points in the interest of the Saints. We will take into consideration the names you have forwarded for mission- ary labor. I enclose herewith a letter for Dr. B. Hoven, which you will please hand to him, or forward to him if he should have left before its arrival. You will please excuse this brief letter, as I am in a hurry to get these letters off to you. My health is good, but I am kept very busy. All is moving along as usual. With kind regards, Your Brother, W Woodruff
Letter from David King Udall, 18 January 1889
Prest Willford Woodruff Salt Lake City Utah Dear Brother The Bretheren of this ward an Stake, greatly apreciate, the apropriation made by the Brethren of the Apostles, of the St Johns Purchas[e] accounts and notes for the purpose of Building a Stake Academy. Our Stake Academy commenced ^its first session^ on Jany 14th of this year. The Bretheren are taking Steps to commence work on the building this Spring and summer. We are very desirous for you to have some one who is qualified to furnish us the plan of a building as there is no one in this country who is qualified to design such a structure. We are anxious to Build a house after the most approved plans. It should be large Enough to acomodate at least two hundred and fifty. (not that we will have that many for Some years to send) We would like a licture hall in the building large enough to seat four or five hundred people, that we design to be used for our Stake Quarterly Conferences &c. The Cost to ^be^ from ten to twelve thousand dollars. The walls of the Building to be made of Brick. Some years ago Prest Taylor authorized us to use labor Tithing to assist to Build a Stake Tabernacle here. Agreeable to these instructions, the Bishop of this ward has expended Labor $327.04 Vegetables $400. Total $331.04 in the hauling of rock for the above mentioned house, we now build


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Jan 18, 1888