Day in the Life

Jan 23, 1888

Journal Entry

January 23, 1888 ~ Monday

23 A hand pointing to the right I rode to John McDonalds & spent the day I
signed 18 Recommends I received 43 Letters 40 Pub
and 3 Private I attended Meeting in the Evening with
the Members of the Legislature I met with James J


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Woodruff, James Jackson
25 May 1847 - 8 Dec 1927
90 mentions

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Letter from Daniel Webster Jones, 23 January 1888
Salt Lake City, Utah, Pres Woodruff Dr Bro You are doubtless aware that I have offered to assist in the purchase of some particular tracts of land in Mexico, these Lands are still for sale (most of them) I received a letter dated the 14th from Chihuahua offering a better tract than any heretofore offered. There are nine pieces that I am authorized to find buyers for the price being from the owners and not from Land Speculators I have not tried as yet to find buyers outside hoping that some of our people would buy provided the Lands were wanted The time has now come when these properties are getting in demand by Outside Speculators I have the Chance of making sales accordingly I need money and have a chance to make something. If I do not act


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Jan 23, 1888